New World – Why Most People Are Wrong About The Launch

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New World Launch is right around the corner, and there is a lot of discussion surrounding the game. Those within the MMO community are questioning whether or not the game will succeed. With that, you have many potential players asking if the game is simply worth their time. And although the game looks to provide an abundance of PvP related content, there has been concerns regarding the amount of content that will be available at launch. In this video, I wanted to breakdown my overall expectations as well as go over some of the potential problems the game may face in the upcoming


27 thoughts on “New World – Why Most People Are Wrong About The Launch”

  1. For me, reading the comments about people waiting in a queue of over 15k people makes me not buy the game at all. Amazon is a multibillionair company and yet they can’t keep the servers up or have enough servers at all. Big downvote.

  2. I've played mmo's for 20+ years i watched a couple hours of new world today after seeing or looking at nothing, it looks like absolute shit and boring as hell. From what i've heard too the game is suppose to have heavy pvp content which is a horrible idea and doesn't work for MMO's. Basically this game has no chance if anyone is on the fence about this game just don't do it. I promise you will regret it. I mean as im typing this the game doesn't even have a swimming animation? Like it's not a big deal at all and i dont personally give a shit about something like that but that is a HORRIBLE sign of how the game is gonna be.

  3. Man 1 thing that its bad is when i click on a video for a review and i get someone apologizing for the developers…and you may have a point but here is something interesting…yes wow and others had time to grow and develop and still fuck up…but when time goes on and tech evolves and becomes better you have different standards that needs to be met also making an mmo its expensive and hard to success…now the sad part…Amazon is not some indie company so you would expect from someone that wants to step into the mmo market they would do the homework and not make something that looks like a cheap version of 2 games

  4. Yesterday I saw my guild complaining of 12,000+ queues… and one of them posted a grab from New World's website showing 140,000 players online and 170,000 people in queue… imagine under investing in servers when you are as big as Amazon… Glad I didn't rush in and buy it yet would of just got annoyed no end that they think it's acceptable to keep out 60% of your customers at launch.

  5. So he understands that an unfinished game will be popular for a month then dwindle out but also wants it to come out now so that it can build more content over time? Both cant be true at the same time, so heres hoping people stick with new world for as long as possible.

  6. This game is going to die so fast…. There's literally NOTHING NEW! It's the same exact God damn cycle….. They couldn't even make the combat feel unique. The only thing that will keep the game from having a quit death is if the pvp is phenomenal…

  7. So New World had the worst Launch in MMorpg history.
    The servers only hold 2000 players, and they are allready showing performance problems, dude the game is very poorly optimized… This might end up as a huge disaster, like The Division.

  8. you gain more valuable life experiences and connections going out with friends then being a degenerate on a video game lmao. If you are in a bind are your new world virtual friends going to help you???

  9. I played 27 hours of the game(i had no Q because i queued up in the morning), reached lvl 28 and i did a lot of profession leveling. i would not recommend playing this game.
    The quests you get dont follow any storyline and half of them are picked at random so you cant quest with friends without loosing a lot of time doing nothing.
    You are forced to level alone with doing the same thing over and over which is 95% walking and 5% killing/ looting the same chests over and over.

    The game seems to be a scam at so many places its not believable.

    I had no fun after 27 hours of playing. It felt like a complete waste of time.
    I played Shadowlands for 3 weeks of 16 hours a day before quitting and i really hated shadowlands as a game so quitting this game after 2 days really means something.

    Please do not give this scammers any more money.


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