New World trading post exploit, infinite storage and instant item transportation

This New World cheat is insane. You can store infinite items and transport items to any settlement for almost free. It’s the best New World exploit for sure.

See also:
Housing guide:
Furnishing guide:
Skinning cheat:
Engineering cheat:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Armoring Guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:

This New World trading post cheat will let you move your items around for very little coin, it’s much better than the storage transport system for faction held territories.

It’s not a New World glitch, but i’m not sure if this was intended or not. It kind of negates the whole point of the trading post system. It’s a powerful New World trading post cheat. You’ll have more storage in New World using this trick. It’s best for storing away materials that don’t sell for much on the trading post.

Expensive items cost a lot more to list. I’ll make a New World trading post guide at some point to explain all the market nuances that aren’t talked about this video.

Either way now you know the best New World cheat in the game, hands down. It’s a New World storage cheat / New World encumbrance cheat, on top of being able to transport items for almost free.


27 thoughts on “New World trading post exploit, infinite storage and instant item transportation”

  1. I've been doing this for storage and have actually made some money because price on iron and wood went up and someone bought my stuff. I then bought more for cheaper than what I sold and put it back up for sale.

  2. Here's a better one for you go to towns you won't use store everything in their post for 1 day and let it expire it will go to the storage and you can go way over the cap then transfer the stuff you'll need using the post exploit.


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