New World – The BEST PvE Tank Build Guide For Dungeons

Do you want to be the very best tank you can in New World? This pve tank build guide will teach you how to maximize your defenses so you can easily tank group content. This tank build guide will make you a server favorite for sure. If you want to do dungeons in New World you don’t want to miss this guide.

Tanking is relatively simple. Use your cooldowns and block enemies. Use a taunt if you drop aggro and you’ll be fine. Even if you end up with a bad healer if you follow this build guide for tanking you’ll be everyone’s favorite person to do dungeons with.

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24 thoughts on “New World – The BEST PvE Tank Build Guide For Dungeons”

  1. I'm not sure self-cleanse would be necessary. In the Life Staff tree there's a perk that cleanses when you do a heavy attack, and another that gives you 1 stack (up to 3) of +10% healing when you do a heavy. So the healer should already be perma clensing the tank.

    Also, personally I don't like shield charge. I do like the weaken, but there's like a very tiny pause when you activate it, then it pushes you forward a bit REGARDLESS of if you hit an enemy or not, and it's only a very small move. (About the distance of a heavy dodge.) So, if you are already in melee with something, it will often push you out of position.

    I much prefer reverse stab for the eventual cooldown reduction on Defensive Stance. (I even heard from someone currently if you hit 4+ targets that's a 100% cooldown reduction. Which I think must be wrong, as the tooltip shows "if you hit", not "per enemy".)

    (~75 played hours in beta. Tanked the first dungeon ~3x.)

  2. I don't see Hatchet for off-tanking weapon? It's the ONLY other weapon with an 8m radius taunt and 6s duration. (Compared to things like Hammer with half the radius and half the duration.

    Don't have the experience you do, but it's a LOT easier to gather with Hatchet, as well as having a ranged pull. And, yeah, Hammer is awesome control, but only if things are already within melee range. If something, say, splits off to attack a healer, getting back in that 4m range is going to be rough.

  3. Enjoy the guides. Do you see rapier being viable offhand for tanks strictly for bossing? Are bosses affected by riposte/the stagger from the multi attack? I feel like the increased mobility could be good situationally

  4. Excuse me, I got one question. What is Block stamina damage and Stagger damage on the shield? I was trying to find the real answer but there were not any clear explanation for me. Thanks for you reply in advance.

  5. Hey man great video! Fortify is capped at 50%, so you might go for Accelerated Defiant Stance instead of one of the fortifying perks. You can also get a perk on armor where a mana potion works as a health potion which can come in pretty handy 😉


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