New World Servers Are Hot! Updates On Game Plan & News!

With the full release of Amazon’s MMORPG New World the launch has been a wild ride! The servers have been on fire lately as everyone is trying to get in to check out this next big MMO! These are some of my first impressions about the long server ques, patch notes, and other various changes. I will talk a bit about my plans and the recent news around server transfers coming up here soon. I hope everyone is having a blast in the game and are able to get on some of the new servers that amazon have opened up! Game play has been amazing and looking forward to this great adventure!

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36 thoughts on “New World Servers Are Hot! Updates On Game Plan & News!”

  1. I'm in Topan right now. When I picked it initially it was low pop. I got to mid-game and now we always have a 700 plus queue to get in… I wish I waited for the second wave of servers… No way im restarting now… but hope to land on a good pvp server once more word is out when the swaps become available.

  2. I've managed at most 1/2 hour queues but I play at non-prime time US West on a medium server. One thing to note – every sweaty big company can not all fit on one server – you all are going to have to split the sweaty action up over several servers. Successful games have had queues at launch — several months from now they will become the 'you remember when' stories that no one will believe.

  3. I dont know why they did not went with mega servers like eso and to me 2000 cap on server is way to low a multi billion campany cant do better. Everytime they try to release a game they fail they should close all there game studio and give up

  4. Im on valhalla… Its miserable. Crashed at 3pm so I guess I'm done playing for the day. These 2k server caps are fkin insane. Why would they let 27k+ people create a character on a server where only 2k of them can play. Character limit should be like 4k.

  5. The discord for the Valhalla server had some dude saying something along the lines of “Guys if you haven’t yet, join Valhalla. The queue times are only 5-6 hours now.” Its like he is unaware people may only HAVE 5-6 hours to play. Totally insane to me that they wanna wait so long just to play long enough till they are totally sleep deprived and have to do the whole process again.

  6. Midgard EU – Covenant here, worst so far for us was 10k+ queue, so if we get in we stay in, but probably moving to a more low-pop one 🙂 Loved the Method plays, I hope to see more shenanigans soon 😉

  7. I started a new character on Sept 28th on the Kronomo server ( US West). I experienced long queues ( 1000+) both on that Tuesday as well as the following Wednesday. However, this Thursday morning I logged onto the same New World sever without any queue at all! I am currently in an afternoon login queue for New World that is only at 300. Not sure what happened here.

  8. hopefully Amazon actually has a solution for the queue times before the two weeks are up, because a mass migration is just going to have the same outcome as what we have right now. The capacity is too small compared to the amount of characters that are being made on each server.

  9. Super important to let you know: i rolled a guy on Mag Mell – NA West and got to level 18 before i couldnt take the queues anymore.

    Decided to try and roll a guy on a different server but of the same world set (hoping for a merge in the future) and couldn't without being prompted to delete my other character.

    I still kept ol Billy Burg but made a new guy on the newest cluster of servers. Its not as thrilling as having a million people but i do enjoy being able to find saltpeter and iron for once 😅

    Also i worry that the server transfer just wont be enough. I hope im wrong!

  10. Originally was gonna play on the server Asmongold was choosing to play on (he went from Olympus to just playing on Babilary due to queue). I could've just played in the Lambda world set but decided to not follow asmon and that community and just go play within the Arkadia Eta worldset instead. Went from Valhalla to Morrow and now Krocylea and it's not as crazy with the queue. Went Marauder

  11. good idead , but what are thoose guys doing when amazon decide that only Transfer is allowed from HIGH pop Server to LOW pop server… just imagine… so for all of u guys who are planing to do so…. just get that in your mind too 🙂


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