New World – Server Launch Times – DIFFERENT TIMES per region!!!

Amazon JUST released their Server Launch Times and they are different for each region which means some regions start earlier than othersโ€ฆ which plays a big impact everywhereโ€ฆ

NCS โ€“ Absence

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New World in-game name = Pritch

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If you are interested in joining the same Company as me, Iโ€™ll be playing on NA West with a group called the Crusaders of the Eight Virtues! Very fun group of guys lead by a man called Uthrac! I am NOT the leader or owner of this company/discord but anyone is MORE than welcome to join us! Just hop in the discord and let us know you are here to have some fun! Link =

For any business or collaboration questions, you can hit me up on discord at Pritch#0695 or email me at [email protected]

Love you all and Iโ€™ll cya in the next one!


30 thoughts on “New World – Server Launch Times – DIFFERENT TIMES per region!!!”

  1. Oh man… I understand the desire to space out the regions to maybe make things go a little smoother… but 9 HOURS???????????? Not too happy about this… What do you guys think?

  2. Be ready to watch Euro servers burns. Like NA will wait & watch others players picking their character/guild names heh. Nothing say that picking your name on Euro & delete it when NA servers ready will release the name anyway.

    Really really need an answer from AGS about this fast.

  3. Hate to break it to you but Europe starts every single day 9 hours ahead of us. New Years…9 hours, Christmas…9 hours, the weekend…9 hours. Proof that the earth is not flat lol. But on a serious note, names are unique across all servers? Most games do them per server, so its a bit strange that went that route. Guess it makes server merges easier in the future.

  4. How do you know that names and company names are not region locked and not world wide locked? Also, I don't think this is as terrible as you make it out to be. Any shit can horror show day 1 problems that happen will hit EU and US West will be the benefactor. See you on US West.

  5. I am good. I mean why would i put my name Pritch while i am not Pritch? then i will have to play with the name Pritch for all eternity? giving fame or infame to your name? jesus no ew… And it is not personal, i am just trying to make a point here. There is no head start in this launch schedule, and prolly the guy which will put /worldstartnow (or whatever is the command) on aws, will probably launch all worlds simultaneously by mistake, since they being launching the game earlier since closed beta lol.

  6. Dude fuck no don't create a character in an other time zone if you don't intend to play in the actual zone for a stupid name you just gonna saturate servers for people who want to play the game, just think about a creative name Duuuuh… It's not like you cant do a character name with two entities

  7. Like the split time is fine IF the server don't effect each other. But they do because of the names so it's fucking dumb. Because now you have EVEYONE rushing into EU server on launch to get name fucking server up even more.

  8. I thought Amazon have said character names are server region limited, so a Central EU character can have the same character name as a US West server

    I like this approach though, most games are released on a certain day and time, normally to USA EST time zone, which can be annoying in other parts of the world, limiting the release to 8am for each region will make sure players don't wait up or set their alarms to get up at stupid o'clock just to play a game which everyone can agree isn't a healthy lifestyle choice, I've seen alot of angry USA players on reddit complain, but normally when a game launches it's for the benefit of USA players, this time a gaming company is thinking about the world as a whole which is quiet refreshing… but then there is Australia where they went and said screw it, 9 PM local time for them ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. 1:55 No it wasn't good for people who don't live in America.. I had to play at 2-3am other timezones exist lol.

    I don't think this is bad except for the name situation. Like you said tho just make the name on the EU server and delete it.

  10. Believe me if you want, but a buddy got his name twice. One on EU servers and again on NA. So maybe not all hope is lost. Sounds like there are conflicting statements about it. Fingers crossed itโ€™s regional.

  11. Well you can do that to keep your name, but their support team has said that your pre-order bonus is only tied to one sever and cant be reuse/moved to a different server. So if you really want your name. You have to lose your pre-order bonus to keep your name.

  12. This is so stupid! This is so weird wtf! Ya it makes it so that people don't have to be up at weird times to start. I don't agree with it. Also will events and that sort of thing be happing at different times in the future? This has unforeseen consequences that could kick their butt down the road.


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