New World Review – Is It Worth Playing? – Release Gameplay Impressions

With New World now finally released I wanted to cover my thoughts from the first few days in game and ask the question is New World worth playing? I’ve covered this in a few videos before but since this is now the final release I wanted to do a finally summary review video. How have you all been finding the game so far? Enjoying it or just stuck in a queue?

0:000:22 – Intro
0:221:28 – Server Queues
1:282:27 – Has the game changed since Beta?
2:274:15 – What Parts Do I Enjoy
4:155:08 – The Future Of New World
5:086:24 – Is It Worth $40?
6:247:12 – Cash Shop
7:12 – Review Summary

I have also now set up a patreon 🙂





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48 thoughts on “New World Review – Is It Worth Playing? – Release Gameplay Impressions”

  1. Zero excuse for a company that big to have garbage servers. They just can't just cure that greed, have to squeeze out every single cent. Instead of focusing on a quality experience.

  2. people compare games at launch to well polished games that have survived the years because people dont want to leave there current MMO for a game thats crap right now, but ohh maybe the game will be good in 5 years. who wants to wait 5 years for a game to be good.

  3. Think I'll let New World get 6 months more dev time until the PvE aspect gets fleshed out a bit more and Amazon decide to actually invest some of their billions in better server's.

  4. Love the game, and I very much agree.
    It's not perfect by any means, I especially dislike the weapon system. Too few abilities, too few ways for builds, and NO FKING 2H SWORD?!?!
    I joined 1 day after launch and my experience was exceptionally lag-free and bug-free.

  5. Got it right! I hope they focus on the story and add the things we are all used to, mounts, raids, arena, more pvp objectives etc. 2 more utility buttons would also go a long way. I yearn more fantasy and more interesting animations as well.

  6. I was fortunate enough to have been able to join a low population server and avoid the queue times. Loving the game so far! Hope everyone can get to play and not wait too long.

  7. For me the game seems disappointing. Particularly the combat. 6 abilities seems extremely limiting and I don't understand why they went with that. It doesn't seem like there is any difference between the combat at early and later stages of the game.

  8. Before I watch this video, I do want to express my hope for an expansion in the future. Like another big island you can travel too. If they do that, there will probably be mounts for New World.

  9. i love the game. however, things like making the travel cheaper now kinda ruined the pvp aspect. everyone is traveling now. the wars look great. overall a very solid base for a new release

  10. I'm glad there is a critical review. Maybe I'll get it. I am very wery of "all positive" review. I mean ffxiv arr was pretty barebones and it's turned into something great! So yeah, I can overlook some issues at launch… like wait times… ffxiv arr had the same issue

  11. Honestly, I want to like this game, but it feels aimless. The quests have you going to do seemingly random tasks for loot rewards, but it’s missing some umph for me. I’m also fairly new to the MMO category so maybe it’s just that the style of game isn’t for me, but I did spend a lot of time with Destiny 2 which I consider to be vastly more replayable

  12. I think people saying the server caps should increase are wrong personally, I already have a pretty difficult time grinding resources (especially mining related) with 2k players. Really wish ore veins were client sided or respawned significantly faster.

  13. Server is my only issues so I've only played a few hours. After work, I log into queue, do some home stuff, play some smite on the Xbox and in a few hours I get to play new world for like an hour before bed. Hopefully the expand servers

  14. I took part in various test for this game & the first 2 alpha they did about 2-3 years ago & I pour many hours exploring & testing everything, I won't deny that I was very hyped for this game but now I have absolutely no interest to play it whatsoever, & that feeling become even stronger after testing the game for the last time in the OB they did before the official launch, I will however keep a close eye on it the following months/years to see if the game will ever implement the changes me personally I would like to see, if that ever happen only then I'll get it, some of the stuff I would like to see to make it worth playing for me is:

    – PVP Zones where you are permanently flagged for PVP with better rewards (bonus exp/better drops) & better/rare resources you can't find anywhere else (high risk/reward zone)

    – Increase of active skills per weapon from 3 to 5-6 & a more complex skill tree that offer at least 3 times more options of skills you can learn compare to the limit of active skills in the game, in order to make combat more fun & for players to be able to create their own unique builds & not everyone be a copy/paste of each other that play each weapon exactly the same.

    – Swimming, underwater exploration, underwater treasure hunting, underwater gathering of resources/crafting materials, underwater combat

    – Naval content, the option to build boats & ships of various sizes to travel faster, to explore places you can't access otherway, for trading to move cargo with valuables from one place to another, naval PVP that include the ability to stole cargo from other ships & completely destroy & sunk enemy ships.

    – Open World Dungeons, huge complex underground grinding spots that are like a maze inside with lots of secrets to discover & elite mobs & mini bosses that drop rare loot, on these dungeons PVP must be always enabled.

    – World Bosses of massive scale that spawn every few days & players need to fight with each other first in order to get the right to challenge them (Only the winning Faction/Alliance/Legion will be able to enter the boss location & fight with it)

    – Complete Overhaul of the siege system, scrap of the instant nature of sieges, the fortress we try to conquer/defend must be in the open world, ability for much more people to participate in sieges at the minimum from 300 to 400 people must be able to take part & fight, fortresses need to be much bigger & complex in nature, duration of a siege must be 2h minimum, various key locations must be conquered one by one in order to achieve victory, siege walls must be destroyable at specific points to give options to players for a more tactical approach of the fight.

  15. I don't like the look of it.
    It reminds me of other mmo games where it's hard to differentiate where your character ends and the enemy begins.
    It's hard to explain what i mean, but it seems like (atleast for me) the game would benefit from having more outline around characters and npc bodies.
    It looks boring even tho it looks good.
    I just hate looking at it as textures allmost seem to fade from character to surrounding in many instances and it's taxing on my eyes.

  16. I waited 4 hours in que and was not disappointed when I finally got in the server. The game is fun and has a great feel to it. Yeah there's a lot of running but tons of things to do in between running to quests

  17. I will wait for a lot more content to be added. I want the game to evolve but for me it's just barebones and more repetitive than BDO. I'll keep my eye on it for the next year but more excited for Lost Ark and GW2 expansion

  18. Right now it has a few solid features, mainly the crafting & gathering (fishing especially is excellent). But is severely lacking in the PvE department, monsters are either a skeleton pirate or a wolf of some kind. Once you've seen a few of these areas with mobs (skeletons) you've seen them all.

  19. So I think there is one comparison with ESO that it is fair to make, and that is with regard to the quests. Quests in ESO have always been creative, engaging, fully voiced, and are even referenced by NPCs once you've completed them! New World seems to have decided not to move from its original main focus on PvP in that quests feel like something that has barely moved on since the earlier betas. Honestly they could even have gone the "questless" route of Guild Wars 2 (again, this was in place from launch) which might have leant itself reasonably well to an exploration-focussed game like New World.

    My experience so far has been mixed, launch day and (most of) Day 2 were just queue simulator 2021 and were f*****g awful! Later on Day 2 though, they added some additional servers and I decided to create an alt on one of those (Carcosa, if you're interested) and haven't had a single queue since making that move. The only bug I've encountered is an odd one where weapon hits aren't being registered on mobs. This seems to be fixable by weapon swapping, and isn't consistent enough for me to figure out what might be triggering it … but boy is it frustrating when it hits! Also … f*****g snails are the new sheep! (if you know, you know). On the whole though I'm having a blast, and playing at a much more relaxed pace than in the betas, which feels great.

    Tell me more about this Void Gauntlet though, this is the first I've heard of it! Also, is there any news of maybe increasing permitted character slots for a world? There are so many combinations that I want to try, and one slot in two server groups just isn't enough to feed my altoholism.

  20. for me the solo PVE and graphics of mmorpgs is definately the most important part of mmorpg game and for me the graphics and abilities are a bit lack luster, cant get over the characters run animation, but i see the appeal vs what is avalable in the market. not for me and that is ok

  21. I never played the game and your review did nothing to help me understand what the damn game is about and what the goal is. Thumbs down and blocked your channe!

  22. I've only played about 7hrs so far, I'm quite enjoying the stripped down combat system, and I love that you're not locked into any one style of play because of the class you chose as you are in other MMO's.
    From what I've heard there are ample US servers, though I'm playing from Australia, and our server wait times really blow out when the Asian community comes online, so they could really use more Oceanic servers.

  23. I made a new character minutes after a new low pop server came up. It was an amazing experience. It actually added to the immersion of the game of being a “survivor that washed ashore” as the towns were practically empty. It’s cool seeing more and more people now each time I log in

  24. Hi, I can't say how good the game is at this time. I can't even login if I'm not willing to wait in a 3 to 4-hour queue. Life is short and there are much better things to do than wait in queues. Cheers and Good Luck in the game!

  25. It's amazing to me how clueless some of you big-brain gaming nerds are. The servers are always that way on MMO launches because having long queue times is better than having the servers to accommodate everyone and everyone ceasing to play in one week. That looks worse. It builds anticipation to have people unable to get in. I wouldn't expect people who sit on their ass all day playing video games to understand that, though.


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