New World Portals Disabled! Amazon Developer Responds On Forums!

Amazon’s New World MMORPG patch hit this morning and with it came some unintended spawn rates on some of the portals in the open world area! With the Tier 5 Azoth staff rewards like tuning orb materials, Gear Score, weapon mastery, items, trophy materials, gold, Azoth Farms. Players were taking storm to these portals and gaining tons of gold, weapon exp, items, shards, and other tuning orb portals! They will give an update and further notice when portals will be back online!


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33 thoughts on “New World Portals Disabled! Amazon Developer Responds On Forums!”

  1. Easily one of their worst decisions since launch. Stuffing 2000 players into the same three elite zones while simultaneously penalizing groups larger than five does not work. Endgame gear progression doesn't work without portals.

  2. It's the players' fault again, clearly exploiting designs made by the devs. Is Amazon and Activision Blizzard merging soon? They have the same outlook

  3. The devs for this game already have a bad habit of trying to put the blame on the community for the problems in their game. It's not an exploit if it's something YOU put in the game and people take advantage of it. Just like water, gamers will find and take the path of least resistance. Nobody is cheating or exploiting anything. It's so ass backwards to blame the players.

  4. Oddly enough, portals were the weakest EXP ever. You would make more doing regular missions. The boxes weren't that good. But I guess if they're spawning so fast, maybe that is an issue.

  5. All of you crying in the comments section, lame as hell. They made a great game, that yes has problems, but they def are not trying to hold players back. We should be happy for more of a challenge. If not, you would fly to end game then cry that you are bored. The game isn't the problem, you morons are. Quit and make the rest of us have a better day.

  6. The biggest problem I’ve seen with the game is the community board being the main way to level up quickly. Having nearly unlimited town missions where all you have to do is obtain a certain amount of an item has my whole friend group simply paying for items at the outpost and turning them in 10 yards away at the board. Instant 700-1k EXP. a couple of them have started pumping more money into the game just to buy gold for this exact reason. Anything to get to lvl 60 quick without putting in the time doing missions


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