New World: Player and Company Names Globally Unique CONFIRMED

New World confirmed on Reddit today that player and company names are globally unique. I explain how it works and why it’s bad. Like hijacking and ransoming company names….

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3 thoughts on “New World: Player and Company Names Globally Unique CONFIRMED”

  1. I'm going to quote myself from a comment I made in another video:
    "Thousands of players deleting and recreating characters all at the same time? I can't imagine anything going wrong with that process… dsync issues, timeouts, server crashes… The good news is that amazon does have one of the best server infrastructures in the world. If anyone can pull it off, it's them. I'm going to save my names and keep my eyes on social media before I attempt to delete my EU chars to recreate them in the US."
    I wouldn't rush to transfer (by deleting and recreating) those names if I were you guys. Keep an eye on things and make sure servers and connections are stable before you do it. A lot can go wrong. Good luck!


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