New world Pillar of eternity | 1v1/1v2/1vX | outnumbered pvp | spear/bow build, except new faction weapons for 49 lvl and some blue jewelery for 50 lvl with constituon

#newworld #pvp


28 thoughts on “New world Pillar of eternity | 1v1/1v2/1vX | outnumbered pvp | spear/bow”

  1. I have recently adopted this playstyle as my main and have been enjoying it thoroughly. Not as efficient and easy for PvE but amazing for Pvp. I have consistently performed well in open world PvP skirmishes solo and with my buddy duos against higher level opponents even when outnumbered. Extremely rewarding and fun! Great videos, keep it up.

  2. I think you should add 'Link to my build in description' at the start of your video given the number of comments asking about it over and over again ^_^ (But people would still ask regardless…)

    Also, beastly compilation!
    But I found really funny that the biggest outplay against you happened at 10:21 … From a mob! 😀 Maybe you should make a PVE video as well, since they actually seems more threatening to you than players

  3. what i came u to while watching this frost gauntlet sit 8s ice block – shoot poison field to 1 of his sides(to trick him out from dodge rolling that direction) and then aim at oppposite so when he exits block you can instantly shoot him, idk if that could work not a big pvper


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