New World Patch 1.0.5 – BEST Patch Yet

These are the BEST looking Patch Notes from Amazon to date! So many incredible bug fixes and game breaking problems that should get eliminated! I cannot stress enough how happy I am to see so many positive changes in one patch. Now for the million dollar question… will they break more stuff in the process… Only time will tell…

Patch 1.0.5 Dates/Times:

Patch 1.0.5:

NEFFEX – Grateful
NCS – Absence


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New World in-game name = Pritch

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If you want to hang out with us Awesome Chill People (ACP) on discord, the link is right here! Come say hi!

If you are interested in joining the same Company as me, I’ll be playing on NA West with a group called the Crusaders of the Eight Virtues! Very fun group of guys lead by a man called Uthrac! I am NOT the leader or owner of this company/discord but anyone is MORE than welcome to join us! Just hop in the discord and let us know you are here to have some fun! Link =

For any business or collaboration questions, you can hit me up on discord at Pritch#0695 or email me at [email protected]

Love you all and I’ll cya in the next one!


15 thoughts on “New World Patch 1.0.5 – BEST Patch Yet”

  1. I'm so extremely happy and excited for ALL these bug fixes and changes! Huge step in the right direction for Amazon! Now for the million dollar question… will they actually implement all these changes without bringing more bugs into the game… Only time will tell!!!!! What are you guys MOST looking forward to from the patch???

  2. yeah great patch it seeems like they fixed a lot but i am %100 sure there will be more and more bugs and it will take more and more time to fix them because of how they think how they process. I personally tried to play as respectful i can and today i got instantly banned for "disruptive behaviour" which i have no idea what it is about and i got no notification no penalty what so ever just instantly perma ban and i still have no idea what i did wrong. I am actually surprised how stupid can this company be like there are guys who are making billions by duping some other guys abusing some data bugs bunch of cheaters and bots and yet i am getting banned for whatever reason it is.

  3. it sounds to me like bots were creating new characters, going through the first few quests and sending the gold off, thats probably a good 200-400g and if you automate that and scale it out thats a bunch of gold per hour. Having to level to 10 to send gold will definitely slow down that gold per hour and complexity for the botters to automate the process.

  4. Hi all,
    verry good and necessary fixes.
    How about broken armor and weapons?
    Now that it not cost anything, perhaps it's time to fix them.
    Becouse, at least from my perspective, when something is broken it sould't be usable any more … broke is broke!
    Everyone should repair his gear before a war or a dungeon run or what else.

    Have fun ig,


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