New World…New Dupe.

New World has issues. Shocked pikachu face. Population is continuing to nose dive, dupes are being found on almost a daily basis now, it’s bad news.

Peon’s footage:

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27 thoughts on “New World…New Dupe.”

  1. I'm glad that are attentive to their game nonetheless I'd rather they close off sections of the game to fix them rather than letting them remain broken until they have a fix ready but I do agree they can handle things by narrowing down what they shut down instead of whole systems

  2. The day my key was revoked and refunded from g2a was the best day of the year. Every day another game breaking bug rammed itself into my asshole and completely ruined my evening. Thanks to AGS's fishnet banning program they subsequently removed the oversized dildo they had shoved up my ass and relived me of my suffering.

  3. I know idea why idiots buyed this game with out looking at amazon's first game Crucible. I PLAYED Crucible and new amazon hired based on wokeness far left quotas and not talent. Crucible was bug fest complete and utter mess and worse game I ever played in my life and it got cancelled. After playing Crucible i could see new world be bug fest disaster as well.

  4. I quit because of dupers alone, got to 60 had fun, got my moneys worth… but NO point playing end game.
    The economy will be fucked for years to come assuming it lasts that long, people have maxed gold from duping, then from that they max thier stash's… then they make another account and do that also… then you have a company that does that… Yea have fun with that dumpster fire…
    As they say… Exploit Early Exploit Often…
    You would think they would learn… you know like with the betas… Or from any previous MMO where this has happened… Including the godfather of them all WoW… Yes this happend to WoW also.
    But hey… Maybe it was costing AMAZON a bit too much money for all the beta tests they DID NOT UTILIZE.
    At least theres no monthly sub.

  5. After playing the beta I said this game wasn't ready for release. People replied to that comment and were really upset I thought that. I should go back through my comment history and find those remarks. They aged so well…

  6. It's amazing to me there's still 200,000 people playing this game. I realized how shit it was at lvl 20. Even smarter people saw the bullshit from a mile away and never even purchased the game.

  7. I don't play New World, but I have been following it since pre-launch since I do have an interest in the game. In its current state it's not something I'd consider sinking my money and time into though. I feel like it's a beautiful ship on its maiden voyage but it's only staying afloat with patchwork and it keeps on hitting ice bergs on the way. I hope they can stabilize the game, but I feel like this hope is dwindling with every passing week. It just wasn't build right. The crew on board may be doing their best work and it's just not enough because of how the engine works.

  8. I was loving the game hit level 30 suddenly lost interest and haven’t been able to get back into it, it’s like I hit a wall. Very strange it seemed like a great game for a few days.

  9. What's worse, a guildmate of ours was selected in the sweeping perma-bans. The only reason we can think of as to why his account was flagged was that he was trading housing trophies to let other guild members and friends have maximum boosts when crafting their gear. The trophies would be traded back after the gear was crafted. This is a player who has poured his heart and soul into the game since its launch and he got perma-banned without warning with a simple tag of "cheating" listed as the reason. Of course, we can't 100% substantiate that this guild member hasn't duped, but first, off he wouldn't need to, and second off it would surprise us all if this individual was doing anything suspicious at all.

    So, unless our whole guild has been deceived for literally months about this individual who we've talked to on a nearly daily basis, these bans they are issuing are letting actual dupers and duped items through the cracks and banning legitimate players who have supported the game since the start.


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