New World – My Musket build for Outpost Rush (old)

This build is still viable if you want 50 con, or if you can’t get the gear together for the full glass cannon… but my new full glass build is located here:

We’re gaining around 20-25% damage when compared to a full physical damage build against your average Onyx gemmed opponent by going for a 50% elemental conversion on our weapons and hitting 150 int (for the 15% elemental damage passive). This also gives Powder Burn a nice buff, and gives us some of the best base damage scaling. You will need a food buff to hit 250dex + 150 int + 50 con.

I tested an alternate build using 300 dex + 100 int, using opal, and using conversion gem, and it didn’t match up on damage output. The 300 dex passive is useful, however, so do as you please here.

As always if you have a difference of opinion on what skills to use – go for it! I’m not here to tell you exactly how to play or how to spec. I ran the grenade for a while and had almost no cases where I found the damage to be impactful. Trap on the other hand with a 20% rend can obliterate someone in a 1v1.

The final goal on my musket is to have keen + keenly empowered, and the pipe dream Legendary would be keen + keenly empowered (or keenly jagged) + vicious/vorpal. I’m using a lightning gem because I feel like the tracers are a little dimmer than the other options, but make sure you stay away from fire and ice damage as people are likely to have some resists to those intentionally.

On the Rapier, we want Rogue + Keenly Empowered or Refreshing Move. I’m using an arcane gem on this for the pretty blue color. Your choice between Arcane/Lightning/Void here.

The only armor perk I would call a *must* is empowering shooter’s stance, but sundering riposte and crippling powder burn are decent options. Remember that Resilience will help prevent you getting 1-shotted by bows.


20 thoughts on “New World – My Musket build for Outpost Rush (old)”

  1. Thank you so much for uploading this. What do you think about maxing Shooters Stance bonus damage instead of crit? I guess you could get this perk on pretty much every piece except jewelry right?
    Keep up the content bro!

  2. In the current meta 50% elemental looks like the way to go, but people will start splitting into elemental resistance soon so going full phys with +thrust dmg and diamond gem might be the way to go again.
    PS: do not understimate diamond. if you use musket as the main weapon, you will be full hp most of the time, while opal bonus won't happen that much.

  3. Couple of perks to try to get to increase damage even further: burning which makes your powder burn tick longer. Also, whatever element your musket is using grab the damage modifier perk for an extra 5% on that element.

  4. Sup kutsuu! If I were to level with rapier musket, how would you add your attributes to help with pve? Also you’re at 120 int is it cause you’re gonna eat food for it? I feel it’s hard to balance int dex and con for musket rapier 🤔


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