New World leveling exploit, up to 50,000 XP per hour and skinning xp cheat

It turns out there’s an actual New World leveling cheat where you can get a lot of xp per hour at all the way until level 55 or later.

See also:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Armoring Guide:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:

Idk if this is a New World leveling glitch or not, it’s hard to tell if this was intended or not, but it sure seems like not. It turns out there’s a crazy boar spawn you can farm infinitely. It’s actually an even bigger New World skinning xp cheat. You can level up skinning fast in New World with this, probably max level in 20 minutes.

If you’re good at tagging the boar in the group you can get crazy good New World XP with this exploit. Be careful however as using exploits is apparently a bannable offense now in New World, so use this New World glitch at your own risk.


49 thoughts on “New World leveling exploit, up to 50,000 XP per hour and skinning xp cheat”

  1. This thing has been in the game for a while. They spawn faster of there is a big Group of people. Its not really used for levelling xp more so for levelling hunting. Ofc it gives good xp too.
    They put this spot in because of the bad spawntimes in beta and said they would rollback if to many people are doing it. But now everybody does it and i doubt they will rollback (i dont use it but that just makes sense to me)

    YOU WONT GET BANNED FROM THIS but Rollbacks are still a possibility.

  2. No one can get banned for this is arguable if it's even an exploit no one has been banned for doing this this isnt an obvious exploit like they would ban for, they are talking like bugging your character for advantage roll animation exploit and shit like that that actually has an effect

  3. SO let me break this down a little more on how it's profitable, it's the EXP from every other pig skinned as you can see when he skins he gets 250-400EXP, Yes you get quick EXP ish from constant kills but you really get the massive EXP for the level from the skinning every other pig. HOWEVER this will end once you hit 200 Skinning and it will go back to the 20-30 EXP per kill. So at first it's very profitable and quick tell you hit 200 skinning.

  4. Honestly it’s a dislike from me man if there are exploits in the game like this you shouldn’t be posting them they will get patched really quick then no one will be able to do it.

  5. I doubt this is an exploit, they set the respawn timers so you're just killing mobs to level up which if that is a bannable offence I'm sure everyone will be getting the ban hammer

  6. I've heard that Amazon released a statement saying they'll ban anyone doing this as they consider it an exploit. I can not find it and have been looking for it, I'll edit this comment with a link if I do find it.

    There are in-game items at the abandoned camp saying that they've been overcome by boars and how they keep coming which made me think that it was intentional. Just wanted to let people know what I've heard regarding a this being a likely/possible ban risk.

  7. every time you say cheat or exploit when referring to mob grinding I lose 13 braincells.

    the video is fine for showing people a good mob grinding spot but please god change your title and terminology this is a basic feature in every MMO. an unbalanced one, but not an exploit.

  8. Im not sure how amazon views it but in my opinion spawn times being low isnt an exploit. If i was standing in a particular place or killing them in a specific spot to get them to spawn i would reconsider.


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