New World Launch Day Experience… Play Now Or Wait?

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So… New World finally released and so far my experience has been fairly mixed.
This video is just a quick overview of my launch impressions for the game and I’m currently working on a full journey to max level series for New World, I just had a lot of messages asking if it’s worth jumping into New World right now so I thought I’d record this really quick to give you some idea of what to expect.

Tell me about your launch experiences with New World in the comments below as well as your early pros and cons about the game, do you think this game will eventually be good or is it too fundamentally flawed? let me know!

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—New World Steam Description—

Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you’ll forge a new destiny for yourself as an adventurer shipwrecked on the supernatural island of Aeternum. Endless opportunities to fight, forage, and forge await you among the island’s wilderness and ruins. Channel supernatural forces or wield deadly weapons in a classless, real-time combat system, and fight alone, with a small team, or in massed armies for PvE and PvP battles—the choices are all yours.


For thousands of years, Aeternum has been the source of fantastical legends—and now you’ve found it. Shipwrecked and without supplies or allies, you’ll need to make your way in a dangerous world where supernatural power has changed all the rules. In such a land, your destiny is whatever you make of it.

Aeternum’s mysteries run as deep and dark as its history. Delve into the world and uncover the secret truth of the island and its millennia of strange inhabitants. As you explore Aeternum, you’ll discover beauty, danger, and opportunity at every turn. You’ll need to use all your skills to take advantage of the island’s bounty—and survive its horrors.

Arm yourself with brutal melee weapons, ranged artillery, or supernatural powers and jump into New World’s classless, real-time action combat system. As you progress you’ll be able to determine what you want your gameplay experience to be like—will you act as a protective shield on the front lines of battle? Will you sling spells to support your allies from a safe distance? Only you can decide.

At the core of the New World’s social features are the three factions, organizations of like-minded players and non-player characters with their own motives and schemes for the island’s future. It is as a member of one of these factions that you’ll wage war and claim, defend, and develop your territory.

New World, Amazon MMORPG, MMO, New World Gameplay, Action Combat Game, Soulslike, Open World, Dungeons, World Bosses, Crafting, Amazing Graphics, Lumberyard, TheLazyPeon, Is It Worth Playing, Weapon Mastery, Launch Experience, Dungeon, Raids, PVP, PVE Servers, Release Date, Melee, Ranged, RPG
New World Launch Day Experience… Play Now Or Wait?


40 thoughts on “New World Launch Day Experience… Play Now Or Wait?”

  1. Honestly my only complaint has been the performance issues in super congested towns. Other than that its really been enjoyable so far. Desync really isn't much of an issue for those of us with decent ping

  2. For me this is a wait, the hype is up there at the moment but hearing the insane queue times, bugs and just generally unpolished look of the thing i think i'll give it a pass for the moment.

  3. here to day and gone tomorrow, Old world. " i think this is the biggest released mmo this year" what ya expect Lol it was hype more then cyber punk, still not surprise they didnt use keanu to advertise it.

  4. There isn't a single example of an MMO that has had a completely smooth launch. All of the problems discussed in this video will be ironed out in time. 🙂 I, personally, am having a blast in New World. The last time I had this feeling about a game was in 2007 when I started playing World of Warcraft for the first time. I'm hooked!

  5. The Australian server should be for Australian and New Zealand players. Why would there not be servers in Asia? Maybe too complicated with all the different languages. Hopefully the hype will die down and new sever locations will be added. I'll give Amazon credit though, It's very rare to get a MMO server actually in Australia. I think wow might be the only one along with New World, so more the merrier.

  6. I feel great having not bought into the game just now.
    Even though i am itching to jump in i think i will have a much better experience after the game has had some added content and the server issues are sorted.
    Until then i can watch the gameplay and streams and maybe jump in next year.

  7. The game seems pretty boring after 40 hours. When you get max level its not much to do and the movment is bad and combat is kinda bland. Just my opinion, what do you guys think?

  8. Tbh man, you live in Thailand, correct? their entire game was rushed, of course, their servers were just optimized for western markets. Intl. server care will come in Q3. All in all though, it is a rough launch

  9. The difference in most of the new MMOS, like this one, in comparison to ESO, WoW and FF14 and possibly Guild Wars 2, is that latter have IPs to pull from to make lore based content. This game doesn't have that, so it's ALL new (at least I am sure it is) I feel that is normally why it is harder for people to stick with any new MMO until it reaches a playable state a few months/years down the road.

  10. One thing that has been really annoying me so far are people camping iron veins. Everywhere I go to try and get some iron to level up my skills I would find some dude just camping the spot and probably watching a movie on his second monitor.

    Really annoying…

  11. I live in Thailand too and PVP is going to be dog shit when your ping is through the roof until they get SEA servers i will stick to no stress gather and crafting, it can only get better !!

  12. People can say what they want, but in my opinion loot stealing is one of the most fun parts of an MMORPG that I haven’t experienced since 10 years ago. It can be frustrating but it adds so much player-interaction and fun, you feel like you’re playing an online game and there’s an immersive human side to the game. Unlike the big titles now where you play 90% solo content and kill world bosses without any interaction.

  13. I don't get what makes you an "MMO expert". You haven't played any MMO at a very high level and you have the voice of a baby so you must be fairly young, so where does your wealth of knowledge and expertise come from? Is it so because you say so? Is that the only reason?

  14. This generations Elder Scrolls Online? That game isn't even that old. I guess 7 years is a long time for TheLazyPeon here since that is half of his life.

  15. pvp is dogshit? its the best thing about this game right now. Also the servers are great once you're able to login. There was no crashes lag or stutter, this is probably the smoothest MMO launch you can expect. I think you should do everyone a favor and stop doing these reviews until you get your head straight….you're misinforming your supporters!

  16. I highly, HIGHLY recommend playing on the new servers they opened up. it may have half the player count of huge servers, but getting in is more important. plus, not fighting over resources and kill credit is amazing. it really is like playing a different game.

  17. richest company in the world can't even handle a player base of around 900,000 in the US. Just such trash by this company. Imagine if Jeff bezos instead of keeping all the money for himself actually placed the money into idk design and servers instead of just saying well we gave you a 1million dollar budget suck it. LOL such a joke. Why produce amazing cool things when you can be a cheap PoS and only produce slave wages.

  18. every single quest is the same, if there is a "look for something" or "find something" quest it is found in supply creates lots of crates, crates everywhere, if you are confused look for supply creates


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