New World is SOULLESS


Podcast channel, Tangent Tavern:

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#shorts #NewWorld #JoshStrifeHayes


25 thoughts on “New World is SOULLESS”

  1. I haven't actually tried this game but I'd sure like to. Is it any different from the other MMORPGs in the sense that that it DOESN'T have auto pathing or auto questing? 'Click' Go make supper, come back You are at your destination and killed all required quest monsters, what an amazing accomplishment.

  2. It is interesting to read all the comments and see different opinions about NW. A lot of people seem to hate gathering and crafting mechanics and call it "boring", "no content", and "soulless" because of it. Few of my friends share that opinion, and a lot of my other friends loves gathering and crafting, and I am one of them. The loves of gathering and crafting can easily be seen in people who loves simulator building games such as The Sims. Killing enemies and people is fun, but there is this soothing feeling when you just went out there with your pickaxe and collect ores whilst minding your own business.

  3. This is literally the only two cities that have close layout. You dont notice it tho unless you are looking for it, and than it is still hard. The game is still very new. You cant compare it to games that have been out forever and had time to build a spot in people's lives.

  4. Yeah go tell EVE veterans that their game is soulless because there are ~10 space station models for the whole universe.
    According to this logic – theme park with more assets = soul, actual MMO that succeeds in building communities and interation = soulless because it uses same assets? What kind of stupid logic is that?

  5. This shit needs to go. People need to stop digging for problems in games and just enjoy it or go play something else. Also does this even matter? Do you honestly believe if those houses were different that it would improve the game? I know It doesn’t affect me whatsoever. People want this perfected and pristine creation which will never happen. If you dont like the game then dont play it. No one needs to read an essay on how bad you think it is due to the lack of house decorations…

  6. People who play new world, I don't think they respect themselves, or their time.

    The game is so bad, I'd do anything other than play it. Clean my house or play new world? Walk my dogs, or play new world? Do that thing I've been procrastinating on for weeks, or play new world?

    It's so bad of a game, when it play it, it makes me rethink my entire life. After playing it for a few hours, It's just so meaningless, so repetitive, so God damn boring, that I question why I have this hobby at all. If studios are just going to put out games that waste your time, why even play games at all?

    PvP Combat does NOT feel good, it's floaty, heavy attacks are useless. You can toggle pvp off, Nobody has it on, unless they are 30 levels higher than the zone, or running around ganking people in groups. The 50v50 pvp is a spammy, button clicking mess, that makes Dynasty Warriors, look like a realistic game.

    Faction imbalance on every damn server and one faction rules all the important zones so who even cares.

    Yeah it's so cool how you can hear the hatchet in the distance as you cut down your wood. Enjoy your terrible tree cutting, ore gathering sim.

    There's NO REASON to craft anything ever, because faction armor and drops are 100% better than what you make. You are actually WASTING your time with this game mechanic, just because you "enjoy" it.

    Should I even discuss the PvE or the quests/dungeons? The ONLY decent thing about this game is graphics/sound.

    If you enjoy PLAYING this game, there might be something seriously wrong with you. Like legitimately. Get help. I hate myself sure, but not enough to play new world. That's a whole level of masochism, that I don't understand.

  7. I had spent the better part of my time in the game in Monarchs Bluff and the following the main story. I get to level 25 and travel to Cutlass Keys. I'm excited to explore a new area and the first thing I did was walk into a cave which was IDENTICAL to the cave in the opening quest, same mobs in the same positions. Honestly it's tragic, exploring cave systems is my favourite thing in RPGs.

  8. That makes sense. I really enjoy the game, cause Im a soulless person I guess haha. I do hope they improve the game though. I enjoy the game, but then again Im a guy the likes stuff more than not. Im probably not the one to talk to if the game is "good," but I do have buddies that play it religiously despite the issues including me. Im level 45 though, so I have no idea what endgame is like, but I have a feeling if I typically like the endgame to D2 every season Im gonna like this.

  9. New World seems to have a problem with gameplay getting repetitive, lacking endgame content, and the 3-way pvp having a lot of issues. What's interesting is, a lot of those problems mirror the problems that Guild Wars 2 has had. I mean, almost the exact same issues. It's eerie.

  10. The fuck, have you left one single town? Have you been to ebonscale? this is another shitty take from this dude, christ. If you dont enjoy the game dont play it. Stop making content thats just absolutely shitty takes on a game lol


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