New World: Forged in Aeternum – Expedition Audio

In episode 39 of Forged in Aeternum, we meet the sound team! Micheal Finley (Senior Sound Designer), Kyle Bailey (Sound Designer), Jean-Edouard Miclot (Audio Director) and Tony Martinez (Sound Designer) dive deep into the creation of audio for Expeditions. Learn how the bosses inspire the VO, how the team audio mixes, finds music direction, and the why behind the sounds.

COMMUNITY QUESTION: What’s something you haven’t heard in an Expedition that you’d like to?

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1:09 Boss Inspiration
2:30 Audio Mixing
3:00 Music Direction
3:54 Pirates
6:43 Using Music to Tell a Story
10:29 The Why
12:46 The How
16:26 Tony’s BTS Story
17:21 Jean-Edourad’s Favorite Sound
18:17 The Sounds They Can and Cannot Use
19:06 Ambient System

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20 thoughts on “New World: Forged in Aeternum – Expedition Audio”

  1. The litteral ONLY team in AGS that actually works hard, and puts in the effort. I commend you lads. Keep up the good work. You litteraly are 1 of the BIGGEST reasons why players find a reason to enjoy this game. Well done.

  2. This game is so bad like this 4 gays… i cant belive that someone give money for this shit of game. NO BALANCE In game 0… to much kokain in this Dev team brains…. its like Bezos

  3. The opening/menu theme has such an awesome sense of adventure and still one of my favourites. All in all, the audio and sound effects across the board in this game are amazing.

  4. idea for New World developer they can talk on youtube and Twitch, live for two hours. explain the theme and the direction of New World. long term,and answer questions and concerns from community questions.

  5. The soundscape introduces an entirely new dimension of immersion, great sound work by the team!
    As for sounds to hear in dungeons, well, how about some drums? Drums in the deep.

  6. Give these guys a fat raise, best part of the game IMO that really shines vs. the competition. Seriously, good job guys. I wish the rest of the AGS dev team was at the same level as you guys!

  7. The sound really is fantastic, immersive and pulls the players into the expedition story. It is amazing how much care and detail your sound design team has put into the game. Well done.


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