New World: Forged in Aeternum – Community Q&A (October 2023)

In episode 56 of Forged in Aeternum, join Scot Lane (Game Director), Katy Kaszynski (Senior Producer), and David Verfaillie …


47 thoughts on “New World: Forged in Aeternum – Community Q&A (October 2023)”

  1. I agree, more gearset slots…so i can have multiple transmogs for the same set 😂
    So, the 180 days thing must've booted some players from the top spot on housing… except for my house in EF, it still has the same player name with the same extreme amount of points. Guess I need to wait for that player to not log in before ever being able to have the juicy #1 house displayed 😢

  2. Any plans to overhaul the banking interface? Having multiple different banks is pointless and causes an organizational nightmare. Just have one large bank with different tabs like RuneScape.

  3. Magnify is great in concept, but it needs mild changes because it is terribly implemented! This isn't rocket science!!!!!
    Honestly at this point, just let them choose what they magnify, easy fix with no repercussions

  4. Can you guys please bring back a use for those random legendary crafting parts (ie. void essence, broken handle, scaling power)?! You made so many and they are completely useless…

  5. Magnify stat needs to be addressed. We only have limited stat points and going beyond 350 is useless unless you want to be a glass cannon. Most of the new gears have magnify on them and this is driving everyone crazy lol

  6. Please dont make mutated any easier. keep it as it is, its good. especially having m3 extra hard is really important for everyone who likes a challenge. i dont want to play them half focused. full focus of fail please

  7. Happy birthday katy. I really like the artefacts and mutations right now. New weapons would be awesome as well. Daggers for example.. Im thinking about wukongs stealth and akali from League of legends. The server workaround is not really a solution for me. You have a guild and friends on the server you qeue up for. Transferring every one of them on every big release is probably not working ar at least annoying.

  8. @play New World hey 🙂 i have e question pls craft with prismatic scarab + azoth inductor is it a guaranteed 700 legi item with socket
    ? Because i was crafting one with the Expensive material and its 700 purple without slot … spend so much time and its crap is it normal or a bug.

  9. Hey you guys overall great video!

    Just wanted to say that the choice to slap the magnify perk on all your new named items, including artifacts, makes it so that almost every late game build will have some form of magnify in it.

    This being so, suggesting that we don’t use the perk you’ve forced us all into using seems counterintuitive to me. This perk was framed as an asset but is clearly burdening many players.

    Please change it soon.

    Thanks for looking ❤

  10. I thnk Sandworm's loot table should be revamped a bit, since this is the only real raid encounter and it drops worse items than expeditions. 🙂

    Otherwise, I am really happy with the game's development and been playing it again since DLC release – was in hiatus for over 6 months before. Currently, still logging in every day, 3 weeks after DLC release – which is impressive for me.

  11. I think runeglass was a great addition. Would be cool to add a power creep to gems again. Maybe a combined glyph that adds utility to each attack or a scaling effect. Like a artifact gem that gives you 30% life steal and damage with a 90s cool down. Or all attacks slow and exhaust for 20s with a CD

  12. They seem to have misunderstood the magnify question. Someone should suggest to them get 6-8 magnify pieces of gear and then get them to start assigning attribute points for various builds. They'll see the magnify attribute points constantly yoyo-ing around and massive increases/drops as magnify shifts from constitution to strength to dexterity.

    People like flexibility and magnify but it can be a frustrating experience trying to create a build when you want 300+ strength and all of a sudden you put +5 into constitution and your strength drops to 50 points because magnify shifted over to constitution which is now 350+. It's stuff like that people find frustrating. They want to be able to create a build and play it and not spend 5 minutes trying to figure out how much magnify they can use, how they should assign points so magnify stays in their desired attribute, etc…

  13. Can you work on a pvp map? A map or mode where pvp is open and profitable where we can produce more resources, more experience and more products, and where the loss is high where we lose all our items when we die? A large proportion of this game will change, but it needs it.

  14. In this game accumulate money and dark matter is so frustrating.
    Upgrade an item to 700 need so many resources .. Why did you do this things?? ? ( this is no funny )

  15. Please fix or change the main quest in Edengrove, it is the worst thing for new players to be stuck in the main questline before having heartrunes, tier 4 azoth staff, and keeping levelling to 65 manageable. I was enjoying the questing up until then but now feel like I have to do sidequests as opposed to them being optional and available to do at my leisure

  16. The problem I have with Magnify is that it goes off the rails when you add a lot of points to more than one ATT. Example – I can't get to a 300 CON 250 STR build because Magnify is making me go all or nothing and it swaps over to buffing one or the other despite actually having more CON. I agree wholeheartedly with what I have seen some other have suggested: Let us select (in the ATT window, not on the gear) what ATT we want to apply the Magnify effect to. It's that simple. Check boxes on the ATT UI, HAVE to select one and can ONLY select one. I like the concept of Magnify as it lets us swap specs without swapping gear in a lot of instances. I'd love it if it got some user friendly adjustments/improvements.

  17. Suggestion: Instead of Magnify, just give attribute points. Also, please don't lock artifact weapons behind mutations, it's not fair at all and I have to wait weeks because I was unlucky. Ran mutations all the way until midnight and got nothing.

  18. A reason you might want to add additional gear slots is for the trade/profession gear sets like weaver's, harvesters, smelter, etc. Often times pulling each piece of these sets out of storage is a hassle and it's nice to be able to go to a crafting station, click a button, and have it automatically throw it on.

  19. Constructive Criticism and Ideas

    Why are there two teleport steps required to reach a single destination?

    Initially, there was an inn with a cooldown, and players could purchase up to three houses, each with its own teleport cooldown.
    The concept was for players to strategically pick their housing locations to facilitate map travel.

    However, now, with the ability to pay to remove the house teleport cooldown, a single house allows unrestricted map access by paying for cooldown removal.
    Essentially, this forces players to endure two loading screens to go anywhere, which doesn't make sense.

    What should be done is:

    1) Enable players to teleport from anywhere to any location on the map without the need for an extra teleport step.
    To maintain balance, you can increase the cost of teleportation.

    2) Remove the option to pay for cooldown removal on houses.

    This approach will preserve the original idea of strategic housing choices.

    With the introduction of mounts, players can choose to save on teleportation costs by traveling to the inn or one of their houses and then riding the remaining distance.
    Alternatively, they can opt for a higher fee to directly reach their destination in a single loading screen.

  20. Constructive Criticism and Ideas part 2

    Suppose my build emphasizes strength and constitution.
    I'd like to find items in the shop that exclusively offer either only strength or constitution, strength and constitution, or constitution and strength.

    Currently, when I select the tags for strength and constitution, the game displays all items that have a combination of strength and/or constitution along with other attributes. This is not ideal.

    Ideally, when I choose specific perks, only items with those exact perks should be visible.
    For instance, if I select strength, constitution, and dexterity, the system should exclude items with focus or intelligence.

    Alternatively, if I prefer items with a single perk, I can select strength and constitution and choose to display only single perks.
    This way, the system should only present items with a single perk, either strength or constitution.

  21. Constructive Criticism and Ideas part 3

    Improving the banking system is crucial.

    We propose integrating the bank into a unified tab, consolidating character storage.

    Players should be able to create additional tabs as desired, all sharing the same banking space. (The same UI can be repurposed)

    This change will greatly enhance the crafting and item selling experience, eliminating the current hassle of constantly rearranging items during these activities.

    Moreover, it will significantly simplify the process of finding items stored in the bank.

  22. Can we have something like channels in black desert ? I can not farm any new ressources. I ask if the person on the farmspot will leave soon. They say 10hrs. But I am not willing to chase single ressourcespawns until they leave because it is just a waste of time. But how should i get ressources then ? This is jnust hilarious and makes sme quit soon because i like gathering a lot.

  23. YEAH your game need difficult content of course. Look at this point where we have all the game from 0 to 65 so easily it's incredible. The game is just so easy now, it's scary

    But he, i'm from Nysa day one of the game and i want to return it after a break from only 6 months. Please opeeen

  24. Black or dark brown dye (for boots). Add Franc Dubois's gear to transmog. Thats what could be made in few days.
    Fixing stuff like musket in PvE seems like a dead end. Waiting for Flintlock pistol.

  25. Please remove the potion, tonic crap from PVP reward tracks. It’s far less valuable to PVPers. Why not make those and gypsum stuff obtainable randomly in the OPR chests instead of getting a potion, gypsum orb in every each of the 3 sections from a PVP track


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