New world dev clarification, mini-map add-ons will GET YOU BANNED, until they do this

The New World dev team gave some clarification about the mini-map add-ons people are using and whether or not they can get you banned.

Dev clarification post on forums:
Another dev clarification:
official news post about this:
family sharing notice post:

See also:
Weavers fen gemstone money farm:
Legendary Tuning Orb farming route:
INSANE reekwater money route:
13k/hour skinning spot:
CRAZY brightwood money route:
BEST ironwood farming route:
Edengrove legendary skinning spot:
ebonscale money farming route:
Ultimate azoth guide:
3 fast ways to make money:
Ultimate money guide:
Gear score exploit:
How to get 600 gear score:
Housing guide:
Furnishing guide:
Skinning cheat:
Engineering cheat:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Armoring Guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:

The dev team has now made it clear that in their current state, the New World mini-map add-ons people are using are a violation of ToS. The providers of these mini-maps can however make a simplified version of the tool and then it would likely be okay according to the guidance we’ve been given.

For now, in their current state, these mini-maps are seen as either New World cheats or New World exploits, more likely a cheat. The biggest concern they have is using software to give players on unfair advantage over other players, which in the current state of the mini-maps that is exactly what they do by showing resource nodes and locations on the mini-map / compass.


38 thoughts on “New world dev clarification, mini-map add-ons will GET YOU BANNED, until they do this”

  1. But those veins are coded into the minimap. The data is NOT live map data from the game. It always shows where the resource is, whether or not it is actually there.

  2. I miss playing EQ2 where my entire UI and maps could be customized down to the code, and Runescape where I played for a very long time with third party clients.

    Tbh the whole argument with the minimap is pretty pedantic. It's used for conveniance and doesn't give people a HUGE advantage over anyone else. Is amazon going to ban people now for putting newworld-map into their URL bar? I wish they'd focus on the thing that actually hurt the game, like bug abuse in PVP…

  3. End of the day I don't see why they can't just incorporate a proper mini map in a future update if people want it. Personally just get a cheap and cheerful second hand monitor and put fanbase map on it. Literally costs next to nothing.

  4. I just tested overwolf, just to see how it works, you have the options to choose what it shows. You can turn off ores and other things and just have the map. But I know they aren’t going to go off some trust factor

  5. seer the mini map thing is an odd one, whats the difference from using a map on a second screen it is just about the same advantage as the mini map, the mini map doesnt show live nodes or anything like that just a location of where possible nodes spawn, i figured it wasnt a bad thing to use it good thing it allows you to set what you can see or not so you can turn the nodes off if you wanted too, i would say if it shows real time what nodes are up then that is too much over players but it just takes the second screen map an overlays it over the game shouldnt be a problem, but it is my opinion an the devs have said what they said.

  6. That Argument is stupid though, the Game has a built in tracking system for resources already…. and there’s not a damn thing they can do about having google chrome open on a browser in another screen, so what’s the point? They should have just payed overwolf and made it a game feature

  7. If you think using a second monitor is ok, because it's not directly going through the game, then overwolf should be allowed. I could just move that overlay over to the second monitor.

  8. I'm disappointed about the family sharing. I wish I had known about it from launch. I would have been creating alts to run the first 20-30 levels for gold and then sent to my main and then delete and start over. Probably the most efficient way to make money.

  9. What is the difference! Using a website to see where everthing is or an addon pulling info from the same site showing you the same info? Honestly the exact mini map addon in overwolf should aready be part of the game! Every single player has the option to have the addon. The only disadvantage a player would have is if they didnt install the the addon. Nobody wants to waste tons of time casually running across nodes and othere harvesting.

  10. What doesn’t make sense to me is that if other MMOS out there have addons that allow to leave a previously hit nodes location on a mini map source. Why not this one. I mean what makes the difference of just alt tabbing or looking over and seeing the information on a second screen. The information is still there as far as locations of items. The only downside is that it’s less efficient.

  11. I'm not going to loose this quality of life change.
    If they ban me i guess i will just stop playing the game for now.

    I hope you are all doing good and can adjust better to this situation than me.

  12. Anyone think they will actually ban for the resource version of this bc I want to use it I already use it on the website itself I just don't want to have it on my other monitor

  13. still unless you are an idiot adrvertising that u do use OW for resourses theres no way they can find out… they do say it themselves its an external site, they have no access to that site.

    its an overlay. its the same as me or anybody with a new monitor activating a crosshair overlay that the monitor provides

  14. I don’t understand why they can’t just say yes or no. So stupid to beat around the bush and say things all cryptic and vague or open to interpretation. It’s a yes or no kind of answer, you wouldn’t even have to give any reason other than it violates the TOS. Done.

  15. We are suppose to be explorers. Have the tracked resources shown on the map and stay there! That's an incentive to explore the world and locate the resources. or at least make us able to modify the map so we don't need to look for "external resources". "Unfair advantage"

  16. So OCR in game for location is okay but displaying the fixed nodes is now bannable. What's to stop map genie to add OCR support? Why would they ban a QoL feature like having nodes in your minimap on screen when you could achieve the same thing with an extra display? In one case downloading is an unfair advantage? Haivung the money to buy a second monitor isnt? lol

    They can't detect how you have the addons configured. They will have to ban everyone after they said they were allowed.

  17. make a vanilla minimap which you can add note and pin yourself?
    Plus how would they know I’m using it tho If all I did is pull text from the top right position note on my screen? Nothing is going through client we ain’t adding things to the game file’ They can remove the position code it if they want to.
    I’m just wondering how will they detect player are using the minimap.

  18. Pretty retarded they won't let resources on the map… The compass crap they added don't show it like it's supposed to….
    Literally Amazon banning people for making something better than they could


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