New World – Delays, Dungeons & Battlegrounds – 2021 MMORPG

Amazon Game Studio’s New World has been delayed. Yes, again. It was supposed to launch in Spring 2021, but the new date at least for now is August 31st 2021. Will it actually release on that date? Who knows. At this point it’s anyone’s best guess , but the game has made a ton of progress recently. In a direction that is upsetting a lot of the original fanbase. Where I stand on it is that I would have preferred they stick to the original vision but at this point it’s too late and I just hope it can be the best game possible for the audience they’re trying to capture. Which is almost 100% a themepark more casual pve oriented one.

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21 thoughts on “New World – Delays, Dungeons & Battlegrounds – 2021 MMORPG”

  1. I lost completely my interest about this game, they did questionable changes in the past when they change direction & some of us who were displeased say "ok let's not rush to judge yet, let's w8 & see…" but it become apparent to me now that by trying to capture the interest (& the wallets…) of casuals & carebears they have completely abandon the primary vision of this game & this is what made it so attractive in my eyes in the first place, when it finally launch it would have zero elements from what I was expecting to see, no sandbox elements, no meaningful OW-PVP, the game is 3 years in development & we still can't swim & explore underwater, there is no plans for naval content whatsoever, they are focusing more on instant content something that I hate instead of trying to create open world raids that promote PVP between factions, I wanna see PVE that lead to PVP not safe PVE content were people hide inside dungeons, I wanna see true open world sieges with hundreds of people taking part not that shity 50vs50 instant-base sieges they have create, that shit is horrible & I don't say that only because it's instant & because only 100 people can participate, even the way it works is boring & not interesting at all, there is many other issues but in the end this is not what I was expecting from NW when I first try the game back when the first ALPHA took place, back then I remember I was so hyped, now my hype have completely died & lost any interest I had for this game.

  2. I was hoping there wouldn't be a delay but I expected there will be one. Honestly now I don't mind they delayed the game because I got Valheim now. That game really scratches my New World itch. I'm playing the game solo and taking my time, I'd rather enjoy the game that way than rushing through it and get bored quickly.

  3. As much as I'm starving for a new game to get lost in, I haven't seen anything in the new games under development that has genuinely hooked me yet so I don't care how long they delay.

  4. Quality of your vids lately is nice dude.
    (maybe quality is the wrong word you've always given great info. To elaborate your confidence seems much higher and you seem to vary your voice tone more. It might not be much but it is enough to make a nice difference for me. Maybe its better audio? IDK but i feel your emotions more)
    Anyways take my likes and a comment you deserve it

  5. It seems to me they literally didn’t know how to make an open world game. With constant delays and calling it Alpha, beta, back to Alpha, then on to Beta this summer… I mean, how many times do big gaming companies keep doing this? If you guys like delays, then just wait for Pantheon, Rise of the Fallen. Game never been delayed, they’re taking their time making a complete game. Staying in pre-alpha as long as it takes before moving to Alpha. Then, Alpha will be in a playable state. If not, it stays in Alpha. Beta… will be completely finished, polished, and ready to go. Then release.

    That how it works.

  6. Why are all dungeons 5 man? Is it ridiculous to consider 4, 6 or some other number besides 5? And why did they go all in on cowboy hats? Normally I would agree about getting it right, but this is Amazon with resources that dwarf every other gaming studio. They could easily "relaunch" it with fixes just by tying it to online promotions.

  7. I'm actually really happy about instanced dungeons.. I personally think the game would've been terrible having to travel to open world dungeons just for them to be cleared by another party… Now all I wanna see is instanced raids and probably 4 abilities per weapon instead of 3 abilities since we have one less weapon now.. and hopefully they add onto the amount of paths in the weapon skill trees

  8. I hope they deliver this time around and not release something like that disgusting mess the preview was. Still no word on who controls the pvp aspect of this game either. Preview had a random 12ie control who was going in.. lvl 50s all told badluck coz they're not his friend lol


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