New World Changes You Might've Missed

Join me in this New World video as we talk some extra changes that were made, on top of the update.

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29 thoughts on “New World Changes You Might've Missed”

  1. Just a heads up from a forum post:
    In our latest update, we made a mistake that treated all tiers of the in-game Horticulture harvesting gear as future content, and unintentionally removed them from the game. This is an embarrassing mistake that is squarely our fault, and we apologize to our players who have had their harvesting and trading disrupted as a result.

    We are working quickly to correct this and replace the lost items, targeting the next patch. Any player who had ever earned a single piece of this of this gear will be rewarded with a full set of bind on equip, Horticulture gear at the highest tier that was ever earned. This includes all Horticulture gear earned; whether you received it as a loot drop, it was traded to you, or you purchased it from the trading post. The items will be distributed directly to players and show up as a armor chest that will deliver the full set of gear.

  2. btw if you had a "yeti fur recurve" luck bow dropped from baines it seemed they deleted all of those from the game. had one in my 2nd weapon slot and when i logged in after update it had disappeared and it no longer exists on the database. they also removed luck from zealots refrain and living crystal life staff, and made them need 600 gs to roll luck now

  3. They "marked" my harvesting Gear as future content. So I lost all of my harvesting gear and so did everyone else. They have apologized about it and intend to re add those items in the next patch. In addition to those that lost the gear they do intent to return their items somehow. 🙂

  4. Imagine getting the empowered counterbalance, getting all the mats for a legendary hammer, giving them to your friend to craft one for you but… ITS FKING BIND OF PICKUP!

  5. Bow users can’t auto cancel with abilities anymore due to a delay they put on after shooting an arrow, it takes about half a second to use the ability after firing.

  6. Hi Demone! I just want to ask you and I wish you could help me. I just got banned for Disruptive Behavior and the crazy thing about it is that I haven't played in the past few days and ITS PERMA-BAN! do you have any comments about this 🙁 Like literally I really have no Idea what I did wrong… some dupers or cheaters just get 24hr ban in my case its Perma-Ban.

  7. Crafting still buggy , failed combines, walking/running still laggy and stuttering, harvesting still fails a lot or cancels every few seconds , mobs can skip or port all over . My internet is good speed works perfectly on everything else , was only buggy after 1.4 , lots have reported this but no change , please new world fix this 😔


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