New World Builds: Great Axe and War Hammer Build | Whirlwind Guide

New World Build Guide for the Great Axe and War Hammer. This Whirlwind Great Axe and War Hammer Build focuses on dealing insane AoE damage, while also crowd controlling and containing enemies and players alike. This is a PvE and PvP Build that is not only good for Questing, and PvP, but also for Expeditions, and does some of the highest AoE DPS in New World. If you’ve been looking for a good Great Axe and War Hammer Build, then this Guide is for you.

The way this Build woks is that you’ll use Path of Destiny to attack enemies at a distance before closing and engaging your prey. You’ll use Gravity Well to trap and pull targets together, and then use Charge to get you into melee range. You’ll then use Maelstrom to AoE all enemies, before swapping to your War Hammer and popping both Shockwave to Stun targets, and Clear Out to send them all flying.

This combo is absolutely deadly, and should more or less work the same in Expeditions and in PvP. This Build is obviously better in medium to large group battles, but it works effectively in 1 0n 1 and smaller PvP as well, because the Great Axe and War Hammer are such strong Weapons.

0:00 ​- New World Great Axe and War Hammer Build
0:53 ​- Great Axe and War Hammer Build Attributes
1:29 – Great Axe and War Hammer Build Skills
3:44 ​- Great Axe and War Hammer Build Weapons
4:13 ​- Great Axe and War Hammer Build Armor
4:4 ​- Final Tips

Unlike Builds that use Ranged Weapons, you can’t attack from a distance in PvP. The best possible scenario for you is to get into melee range undetected, and you can often use the landscape to shield your approach and catch other players unawares. Ranged Builds have a tough time dealing with this Build in melee, and if you can descend on players before they see you, you’ll have even more success.

Remember to use Charge when closing the gap on fleeing enemies. Sometimes you’ll need to use it 4 or 5x to catch someone, but you’ll be able to if they don’t have any Abilities that improve their speed as well. This single Skill will get you more kills than just about any other.

Make sure to lead with Gravity Well so that players and enemies are stuck when you begin your attack. This will help to improve your damage, and is something you should get in the habit of ASAP. Note that when in melee range if you use this Ability, you can actually hit players and enemies with the axe as you swing upward dealing damage on its initial cast.

Lastly, don’t forget to repair your Equipment. You’ll take a beating with this Build so you’ll need to repair more than some other Builds. Make sure to do this whenever is needed for best results. You can click the repair all button on the bottom of your inventory to do this quickly.

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41 thoughts on “New World Builds: Great Axe and War Hammer Build | Whirlwind Guide”

  1. Thoughts on having execute instead of either Maelstrom or Grav well? The damage is great for PvE and when coupled with a stun, is strong in PvP. It is hard to hit against a good target. What do you guys think?

  2. Nice build. I overlooked the WH in the 2 CB and OB, it seemed too, slow? But man, it's CC works great with the AoE, CC and gap closing of the GA, plus they both hit very hard with light and heavy attacks. If you catch a single target in PvP, they don't live long.

  3. the term I would use to describe this build would be "Clobbering" cuz it's not Graceful it's just Long, Wide, Arching Swings and just "SKADOOSH!!"

    Love this build so far. will have to re build my Stat Attributes soon tho.

    thanks for suggesting this to me on Stream btw

  4. I was trying a tank build for greataxe and hammer build, I tried yours , can’t make a comparison, is just years better, same armor build but opposite attribute points on constitution and strength, same playstyle but more dmg

  5. hmm im using al'l light armor atm for the 20% damatge boost plus the mobility with great axe i may try this tho but the build i have rn they are melting and of course if im not carefull i can get melted lol

  6. I am a lvl 26 and war hammer main. I use mighty gavel(2 hit move), wrecking ball(flat), and shockwave(aoe stun) for crowd control. Good for taking down enemies. Don't give them any chance to retaliate.

  7. Overall a good beginner guide. However, you miss details, which you only get known to if you really play this weapons for a while and gain exp. for example: bloodlust doesn't work in pvp (siege) for some reason. not sure if it a bug. also i would go at least till 300 strengh, since it gives your light and heavy atks grit. furthermore, for the armour i am wearing heavy / mid mix, to get in total a mid gear weight. so you gain 10% more dmg and 10% CC bonus

  8. I run a Juggernaut build that Focuses on smushing things into the ground via Mighty Gavel and Wrecking Ball. It worked pretty well right up to the point where I have to solo corruption points (small ones) and I find that I keep getting knocked out of my grit by the elite enemies. Other than those cases, I've had huge success in Amrine where the constant heavy attack and smashing spam knocks the bosses and grouped up enemies making for a rather entertaining if boring experience after your group gets into the groove of trusting the tank, healer, and you to control the pulls. I also run medium armour, which is possibly why I struggle with engaging multiple elite enemies. Will give heavy armour a try after this.

    My Axe at this point is largely a stat stick, but I am already respeccing the points out of reaper into gravity well. Thanks for the pointers.

  9. Love your videos, would love to see a "final skill tree" screenshot for what would be considered the best overall weapon skill tree (give or take a min/max point or 2)


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