New video Of Sasquatch Tracks In The Snow (MN)

A viewer sent in his video of a long trackway he discovered in Minnesota. also, numerous emailers get heard!


45 thoughts on “New video Of Sasquatch Tracks In The Snow (MN)”

  1. Wow look at your puppy Steve it's huge I haven't seen it in a week it's unbelievable God bless our whole family here I can't believe them put trench five feet between God bless

  2. Great shares, ty !
    Yeah, the shadow banning thing has been happening for years. Partially why so many have no idea what is going on. If they dont know how to search, (around the algo trjcks) or about the few free speech places, etc. Also, you can't share them either, they wont post, or get deleted. All the same people, who cirrently own everything. They don't want the truth out, would end their reign.

  3. What’s funny. One of the people he read about was looking for a hunting channel. I wasn’t lol. I just happened upon Steve about a year plus ago and almost changed the “channel” because I thought it was about hunting animals. To my surprise it was but NOT how I thought 💭 Love the channel, Love Steve.

  4. If we have powers supressed by the powers that be, what about 1,000 years ago. Were they supressed then? What about 2,000 years ago. Were they supressed then? How long, and how, have they been supressed? Im just asking how does anyone think it has been done?

  5. So while watching this episode, at various times while you are reading a story, I can hear a low wind howl . To the point of me telling myself you have to have big timber all around where you're at. Anyway it's a nice addition to the story telling, keep up the great job my friend.

  6. Hey Steve I got an idea for you and or the people who write in. I listen to thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of stories in different venues and the frauds that you're talking about the Bigfoot hunter BS that they're called gatekeepers and I listen to hundreds and hundreds of other topics as well for 20-30 years anyway. I would know how to capture Bigfoot easily I don't want to tell people because I know they're real and this is when people know they're real they want to hide and protect these things but I would definitely know how to capture. I didn't want to give hints wish I could talk to somebody in person that wants to go out and see these things cuz I know I'll be seeing them. It's just like you say people don't see him because they're not aware okay once they're aware of them they see them and these things might have the capability of letting you see them or letting them not depending on what kind of person you are. Anyway what I was going to say was your infrared camera and put it on time lapse and focus it in towards the sky at night on a clear day. I've heard this gets an amazing amount of things flying around up above you could bring in a different kind of crowd but similar cuz they're going to be related as we know something paranormal about bigfoots often times. But then YouTube will have to promote you in that aspect others will promote you as well because they're trying to find answers as well these abduction stories kind of missing 401-type stories kind of paranormal stories paranormal is huge they don't mind promoting paranormal. PS I also told you you were going to get censored and deleted I'm a flat Earth so where are the original it's the biggest thing that's linked to everything basically flatter teaches you there's a God and a Creator and then it teaches you the government lies about every damn thing there is and controls everything there is specifically free energy free water free food and those three alone would change the world if we all woke up to that and that's why we got to start doing that and soon. I also told you not to talk about this cuz they were going to Shadow on you but luckily you're smart you did another channel and all that and you should promote that often so you can get people over there now before and if anything happens with this channel you can have multiple channels going and you should go on to things called like rockfin b** shoot Odyssey rumble I haven't checked for you lately on those but you should definitely get your people over there and just advertise here for over there because you can talk real and you need to save your your country your country is actually got a better for now than we do because somebody in our country sued your country and said you need to isolate the virus. But it was never isolated so they want it so now to travel you don't under my understanding you don't have to even use the covid passports or the infrared by the way the people are back v a z z e d I'll spell it differently so it doesn't flag the retards. They are showing up in airports there arm and head and organs are not glowing but basically showing up on the infrared is a different color reddish I believe yellow anyway different than the rest of the body anyway that's forever long message but that's all I wanted to say.

  7. Hey Steve,
    Just a suggestion but, I am on the road for between 8 and 9 hours a day and I have YouTube playing almost the entire time, in my ear. A lot of your shows, or episodes, don't require a visual at all. I simply listen, listen and then I listen some more and if it's something I want to see, I will share it to my email and watch it later. I listen to you, Dave and quite a few others while I'm driving. Perhaps, while you are processing meet and other various chores, put an ear bud in one ear or turn the volume up on something else nearby and listen to what Dave or whomever, tell their stories or truths or whatever. Just a thought to kill two birds with one stone…. It just makes the stone bigger, lol. Thanks so much for everything you do as it is truly appreciated and needed. Sorry to hear about the gun grab your government has implemented and I won't be giving up mine either.
    Love you brother and Merry Christmas.

  8. i had an unusual occurrence , last winter..
    tracks in the snow coming from my cottonwood towards my house.. the tracks just stopped,, no return tracks or anything… they were 5 small prints ,, maybe 6 inches long and 5 feet apart .. bipedal
    i have been hunting with my dogs for 35 years, especially in the winter..

  9. Steve, we can build the system you want, for finding truth – quick!
    It hides in "civil defense"; but, this is our loophole…
    … right through "their" front door. Easily!
    Even, by the book!

  10. We can fix this, incredibly fast.
    A system that gives "We…" a screaming voice, about who fills any Gov position.
    To give us well vetted people, into the machinery of our Gov / republic.
    A system that belongs to us, where all – who are able, including kids – can give voice and vote.
    A system rooted in, as our basic comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities.
    Our secondary manual backup system.
    For mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
    Where "We…" can consolidate and coordinate resources…
    …(human, material, information, environmental…).
    Where "We…" can each be demos-kratia, within a republic.
    Where we can mechanize and empower pure / direct demos-kratia within a republic.

    There is a path, if we build it correctly.
    Within a neutral / objective logistics / liaison Matrix non-profit NGO.

    The key is to restore the "mustering" (now from a device, and a Lazy-chair), on crucial issues.

    A place to log our voice and vote, for reference, on any crucial matters.

    For now, we need to gather folks, to start the NGO, and the Tech we'll need.

    It would help, if sites like yours would put the word out.

    Our loophole gives us doorways, deep into the heart of our republic.
    Our way in is through the name of the NGO Operations (networking) Section…

    Disaster and Emergency Services (Gov system)…
    … "Support, Systems, and Services."

    With the same Goal, Mission, and Objectives.
    "To protect life and property" (FEMA).

    To protect "life, liberty, and… happiness…" (USA).

    We could be well on our way, by Christmas Eve.

  11. By, Christmas Eve… restored – to you – a huge gift.
    Comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities!
    Mechanized and empowered voice and vote.
    It needs a neutral objective logistics liaison Matrix NGO…
    … With, an Operations (Networking) Section.

    Note: "Civil Defense" ain't "civil – defense."
    We are all born, "members."

    I happened upon the system you're all wanting.
    The perfect loophole!
    By "their" "book."
    Right through "their" "front doors."
    Using the exact system FEMA recommends….
    …As, our secondary manual backup system.
    … Where, all are – can and should be – involved, anyway.
    Using mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery.
    Though all Sectors: Public, Private, and Gov.
    All the way to NORAD.
    …the way it used to be… For "civilians."
    Truth is, "We…" needs both systems.

    Anyway, I'm too tired to continue, now.
    Hear me out, before judging me.
    I promise, a good education.
    From 40+ yrs down, and through the tunnels between, rabbit holes.
    I promise, you'll like it.

    No, I'm not "militia." Hell, Ive never owned a gun.
    However, by the end of my USMC tour, I was armed – always.
    I was 2111/0431.

    Standing by…!
    Semper Fidelis…!…

    So, it ain't just Gov. (3%), as DES.
    "We…" Are the 100%.
    Let me show you how!
    Democracy requires all able voices and votes.
    But, only if we want.
    There's a way!
    [Note: I'm just a broke, broken old guy, who let his OCD feast on the "civil defense" "phenomenon"…
    … (FEMA /DHS/DES/ EMI frmr. Dir. Higher Education Project, Boyce Wayne Blanchard.
    Tell him, the Flathead Valley guy sent you.
    … Get us a copy of the phone call, and all his notes… In fact, a copy of all the phone calls… since I still have the bills, for exactness… Like, the one, for 29 mins, with him speed-typing notes, while I told all, about my research, and my drafts of 101/201 textbooks, on the broad picture, in relation to what James Witt / FEMA was doing, to help folks build better emergency management capabilities, through us average folks… The notes he "passed on" , for use as a template for the Degrees program they wanted to start.. "to build disaster resistant communities", through "Project Impact", which G.W. Bush shut down, at his first Garden speech..
    … Notes he used, for ("updating his Dissertation") / "Writing my own book!"…
    …So he wouldn't need me, or my drafts of 101/201…
    … Comprehensive contingencies-management…!!!…].
    Thusly! So much for that idea… And, wasted OCD.
    Oh, too. He wanted copies!
    Anyway, it's all your's.
    Just give me an email to send it too.
    But, be quick!
    … My pockets are at "Empty!"
    … Thusly, no more tech to do it!

  12. "We…", who love life, responsible liberty, accountability, no borders or boundaries, happiness, living the art of kindness; and, serving our "duty", to set loose, every deadly beast within us, to keep it thus…!…??????
    … (I.e., WW-2, Slavery, Ignorance, Fear…).!
    "We…", has no borders or boundaries…!…????
    …Semper Fidelis…!!!!….

  13. The 2nd Amendment is our key, for fixing "democracy"/ demos-kratia, within a republic.
    Not because of the gun issue, (in the latter "Dependent Sentence); but, because of the "mustering" system, ( in the "Independent Sentence"), at the beginning.
    The subject matter of the later being depending on the subject matter in the former – first part.
    Now we can do the "mustering" / gathering, from a device.
    And, we can employ a version of the older Swiss template, for managing the gun issue, even within the republic / representative machinery, since "active and passive civil defense are integral to national security [democratic] posture (OCD, 1963).

    I can prove this, in detail.
    Let me show you how.

    Note, I have not ever owned a gun; yet, I ran Armories / Ordnance systems, in the Marines. Nor, do I want some crazy President having control over me, by joining a Militia. No thanks.

    However, I will "join" a mustering / gathering system, for injecting my voice and vote, if we use a neutral /objective logistics / liaison Matrix (non-profit) non-Government organization , as our comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities, which also gives us a foundation for managing any emergencies, disasters, distresses….!

    Our loophole is in the title, goal, mission and objectives, of our Matrix NGO Operations (networking) Section.
    So, to give our republic a big wet sloppy kiss, from democracy.

    "Disaster and Emergency Services – (Gov.)…
    … "Support, Systems, and Services." (NGO)

    From there, "We…" "Support" "Gov." as "We…" choose, together…
    … And, with the "Systems" "We…" choose; and…
    … And, with the "Services" "We…" choose.

    All the way to NORAD and beyond.
    So, to have the ways and means to streamline our republic s.

    Hear me out.
    Let me "draw the picture."

    It's the missing piece.

    The musters were where they managed crucial issues, too.
    … Gathered… Talked… Together… Decided…!!!
    … Giving their personal voice and vote…
    … As well as their neighborhood security practice.

    Their comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities…
    … mechanized and empowered their democracy/ demos-kratia…
    … Within a republic / representative governing system.

    If only by happenstance, their "civil defense" system laid ground for democracy to happen.
    As the security apparatus faded from use, so went the mustering, to manage all crucial issues.

    Now, we can still be home and lazy, while still being part of "We…", from a device.
    While, also, getting better organized for managing disasters, too.

    Semper Fidelis…
    Standing by…

  14. The loophole, through "their" front doors. Restore your true "active and passive civil defense" /comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities, in a 21st century context. Gigantic possibilities.

  15. Note: "hostage population"… Versus…"active and passive civil defense are integral to national security [democratic] posture." To mechanize and empower pure/direct demos-kratia within a republic.

  16. This place is censoring and suppressing anybody that speaks the truth which the leftards don't agree with…they want their agenda and narrative to be the only thing the people read!!! They're trying to take our right to freedom of speech bcuz that's the most powerful tool we the people possess…If they want my freedom of speech or guns they will have to kill me

  17. "How To Enhance You Awareness Ability" Simple… Question… What happens when you are fearful or when you feel watched? Answer: The hair on your body stands up at attention.. This is telling you something… Our hair are antennas that connect us to our environment. SOLUTION: grow your beard out as long as possible. Grow your hair on your head as long as possible. Studies have been done on this way back. My hair is to my waist and beard to my mid chest. My experiences in my life especially since I let my hair grow proves what I say to me.. You will have to prove it to your self. Daniel

  18. After 22 years in law enforcement, YES, the pranks on each other are relentless! Although this stunt was incredibly dangerous, I can relate! It helps to stay awake in the wee hours knowing you may just be pranked by fellow officers!


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