Visiting Summerland Fish farms in miami fl giant fish drop off pond.

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  1. I would love to feed them big fish I would love to pet the catfish but like be careful with it but I got all I don't read Oscar he's awesome and he he grown quite a bit but I need a playmate for my Oscar I need like a catfish or something I'm wanting to get something like that I need like a red tail but I'm not nowhere near where I can get a red tail and my Oscar was almost pretty much I get baby in the tank that he was in with other Oscars he was the smallest one and I was like what is he all red I want like oh he's already he reminded me of my Goldie Oscar and Peoria that was black and red Peoria Illinois and I sort of took fish from Streator to Peoria it was a long-ass ride I had two Oscars in Peoria they got bigger than my hand one was abusive to the other one it was the Goldie one that I named Goldie and sadly the electric got shut off and the filter and everything was turned off and killed my Oscars cuz we weren't getting no notification that they were turning off the electricity or anything I would have had somebody to take care of them with the electricity but they passed away but I put a break over them so they don't get dug out and eating oh actually two rocks and then put dirt back on top of them it was $12.99 for this albino red Oscar I still have the receipt for Frank's pet shop and yes Frank's pet shop if you need any animals they won't even help you out too which it's probably in this town though but I wish you were in here cuz it this town like this town is pretty cool The prices are a little out over age but I prefer going online shopping and there's some rivers that are without fish that I'm my grandma's around the river that has no fish but down the way like where we go to the country road down by the river but we follow the river to the other person that we think of that we pay five bucks to go fishing I could get it regular catfish and put it in my tank just like you catch them all if you look on online Facebook look for 36 gallon dude you love it it curves out towards the front it curves out the back it can hold a big ass filter like a dual bag filter but I love this tank this tank is awesome I love it it's beautiful I love the tank but I need plans so but it curves out in the front and that that's the best part though like you know who would not want to 36 gallon that curves out in the front and let it grow like a fish grow and yeah like why not I I love animals general animals are the best cure for you too even when you're with like low self-esteem and just watching them going at a fish just kills it you know kills the steam and just let you be like oh there's the mellow and there's the aggressive fish that's going at a fish that you know going to be meal I would love to get a catfish and train her to go to my hand I want to train this Oscar to eat out of my hand he was in the beginning but he change all the sudden I was even wanting him to get petted too at times you know just rare occasion but I think I might have to let him warm up to me he looks up to me for food I know he does but whenever I have the money I'll try to get in them goldfish but he he growing pretty good though he got at least like 3 in on them and probably 4 in on them can we try to get each other's information so we could talk on like hang out or something so we could talk about each other's fish I'll tell you all the fish that's in my house I'll let you know what all we have and I do like your videos dude like you're pretty much my main like my main person that really helped me to get the fish really started like actually my dad actually helped me really cuz my dad helped train me to yeah but my dad known pretty good amount of fish aquariums more than anybody in my town he used to get high and f**** watch fish all the time but he mostly took care of the fish tanks that his buddies and also get high while he did it but nothing really harm done to the fish cuz just plant but also smoke is not going to get to the fish or unless you put it like a joint in the aerator and let it suck the smoke from the joint all the way through the aerator go through the water oh that would be funny also I got weights too so so yeah I'm working out too I'm only 22 though just to let you know with autism depression anxiety but my depression anxiety cuts off cuz my Oscar I look up to him as like my only child really you know as you say


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