New planetoid conquered | Colonization Ep 17 | ONI Spaced Out

A massive O2 system, and the successful colonization of another planetoid.

End Screen music: When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Cooper Cannell

Coordinates: M-SWMP-C-1712469678-0


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31 thoughts on “New planetoid conquered | Colonization Ep 17 | ONI Spaced Out”

  1. It's not the ammount of sublimation stations, it's the ammount and placement of the deodorizers that make the stations reach max pressure. Also please use the correct term when adressing to the no-overpressuing of sublimation station exploit. It has a name! You just need to find it!

  2. I wonder if your missing steel is stuck n a natural tile. Sometimes when a dupe puts materials in a spot and the build command is cancelled, the resource can get stuck in the tile. I've had that happen with steel in when trying to force my way through magma biomes. edit I see you found it.

  3. Nuclear is gonna be hard without a steady source of refined uranium. Check the numbers, because the centrifuge is horrible for consumed mass. Bees are much better refiners, but need more space. You definitely are going to want to get into the launchers to send payloads between planetoids.

  4. A good way to get steel is to strip-mine the lime layer on the ocean asteroid, tame the iron volcanos on the ice asteroid, and tame some minor or regular volcano for igneous rock to feed stone hatches. Renewable iron and refined carbon, with about 25 tons of lime to make 250 tons of steel.

  5. Regarding tiles distance 10 on starmap – I've encountered a bug where the rocket's range calculation is 1 less than it should be, where the range is supposed to be 20 but it only acts like it's 19. I'll have enough fuel but the game says no.

  6. Even before steel, I'd go for super coolant, it is too valuable to pass up even if you're not using hydrogen rockets. The power savings from replacing polluted water in cooling loops makes cooling almost power-free, so long as your power grid is optimized for it. It is also the only reliable deep-freeze water lock for the ice asteroid, some parts will freeze even the ethanol locks. Plus, super coolant is more reliable than nuclear waste for a nuclear reactor cooling loop, with radioactive waste you have to mess with it being ejected from any building it's stored in every cycle and that's a real pain to deal with.

  7. 9:50. You are wrong… It is not benefitial to have a shorter cooling loop…. The aquatuner produces the same chill per second regardless of the length of the radiant pipes. The longer loop, the less benefit each additional pipe length gives…

  8. I stick a little box full of water under my rockets, they take a long time to boil but once they do you get free steam power from the reclaimed heat, I had thought about boxing in the rockets and capturing the CO2 as well, pumping the CO2 through the steam box to reclaim even more heat but also to cool the CO2 to around 100 degrees to then feed to the slicksters for more energy

  9. To save on water I normally use a few wild trees for my pip ranches, you only really need three or four for a full ranch but can fit about seven in one ranch. So you could save a lot of water if you just wild farmed them, but you'd need natural tiles for that, which might not be so easy to get, depending on your view of the door method…

  10. You should do each title card option as a stand alone tutorial. Explain how all of it works. Give us all the numbers. I'm still too nervous to try any of the tri-state area as I just don't know how any of it works.

    (PS YouTube needs :echorilove: hope you're feeling better.)

  11. If your worried about fps due to the amount of calculations in the 'simulation' it may pay to connect some or all of your auto sweepers to timer sensors so they activate a few times per cycle. Not only will this save power but the 'simulation' wont have to account for sweep commands 90% of the time. The sweepers then tend to pick up larger quantities. Can be an issue in areas that dupes try to do the auto sweepers job but thats usually circumvented with priorities.

    On a side note thanks for the hours and hours of entertainment and amusement you have provided me through this channel!

  12. Good morning Echo! I can't wait to see you try nuclear power and what solutions you come up with. Also I was wondering if you could use liquid methane instead of super coolant since you have all that petroleum? Anyways thanks for another great episode!

  13. Great serie, Echo, I'm really enjoying it. Now that you are starting with the colonization, i love the idea of making colonies infinite sustainable. May be nice to make colonies with a special "flavour" on each: different food source, different, oxygen… The main colonie, since it's on the center of the planet, may be a great space-port, focused on producing cryo fuels, special food for the astronauts… Industry may be located on one of those metal volcano-packed asteroids, a special place for the 3 rare resources at the angry tree asteroid… Just some ideas.
    Love your work 🙂


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