NEW One Piece Update: Fishman Island + Time Skip Nico aka All T*tty

#hasanabi #hasanpiker #twitch

This is an edited clip from the Hasanabi Broadcast, which you can find live Mon- Sat from 11am-7pm PST at


30 thoughts on “NEW One Piece Update: Fishman Island + Time Skip Nico aka All T*tty”

  1. 8:50 Yeah lol Oda legit does this on purpose.

    Hasan: I hate horny Sanji is!

    Meanwhile Oda in SBS 37: I asked Sanji to find out Nami and Robin's Measurements

    Sanji: Im the guy for this job, Nami is Height169-B95-W55-H85 and Robin is Height188-B99-W59-H89

    Oda: ah shit Nami is coming!!!!

    Nami: Stop Publicizing Everything! Beats the shit out of Sanji…

  2. Post-time skip in general doesn’t hit the same. There are still great moments, obviously, but the series has become much more inconsistent as Wano demonstrated.

  3. I am a dirty one pace watcher but fishman island coming right after the time skip killed my excitement so hard. It's one of the worst arcs by far and even the edited down version was way too fucking long. It does get a lot better towards the end of punk hazard but it took me like a month to get through fishman island even though I had watched everything up to that point in like four months.

  4. Oof if he’s already struggling with the anime’s pacing in fish man island I don’t know how he is gonna get through Punk Hazard and especially Dressrosa.

  5. The pacing of Punk Hazzard and Dressrosa are going to kill him.

    It's glacially slow. Both arcs feature running from one side of the island to the other and it literally takes dozens and dozens of episodes to occur. It's wild.

  6. I’m really trying to go through one piece but I don’t think I’m capable of it, I’m stuck at skypeia and it’s just so fucking boring and luffy is so fucking annoying and the pacing is so bad, I swear you need to grow up one piece to fully appreciate it because I just don’t get the hype man

  7. Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that he watches the English Dub and One Pace has giant chunks in it where there is no Dub for some reason, so even if he did change over to One Pace he would end up changing back either way…

  8. He desperately needs to swap to one pace, significantly increases the enjoyment of the anime, it's EASIER to consume as well you just download all the episodes and go through them and you will save 100s of hours of your life, it cuts the watch time in fucking HALF I'm not even joking

  9. I hope he likes the racial themes in fishman island. Even the manga arc is relitivly misdling to low regarded in the fan base. But to me the themes it covers are so strong Its one of my favourite arcs. The hody moment that so many people hate on is one of my favorite and most intresting villain moments in the series even if for the most part hody is a weak showing.


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