NEW No Mans Sky ORBITAL Update – Ship Building, New Space Stations, New Missions!

NEW No Mans Sky ORBITAL Update Ship Building New Space Stations New Missions

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32 thoughts on “NEW No Mans Sky ORBITAL Update – Ship Building, New Space Stations, New Missions!”

  1. I really like this update but IMO it removes the end game from NMS. This game doesn't really have a lot of end game content. After a while all that is left is to hop from system to system and look for new ships. I don't think that it will take most end game players long to scrap ships and learn the parts. If you can build your dream ship, what's left to do?

  2. Dayum, this is awesome! It’s amazing comparing this game when it came out (missing SSE CPU instructions, couldn’t play it with my old Phenom 2 CPU rig lol) to now, Bravo to Sean and to his Hello devs 🎉🎉🎉

  3. Once again, congratulations LZ. After years of pleading, HG finally listens to reason. Damn the ship hunters. As I've said for years now, that ship hunters will just turn into part hunters. And HG still threw them a bone, by giving normal ships a stamp/classification that customizable ships don't have. After all this time, we finally have a good update!

  4. We finally got the feature what you have been wishing for a long time 😄 and imo No man's sky has almost limitless potential to deepen the gameplay loop even more. So awesome to see a dev team that actually care about the players and the feedback we give them.

  5. Legacy Zero, you forgot the most important, and frequently overlooked thing with every update… Hello games still not asking for money for updates 🙂 every thing we got with the many many updates, free of charge, and no the "they messed up with the initial release" no longer flies after some amazing updates, in fact i bet some of us fans are even willing to throw cash at them, but well i have done that, with buying the last campfire, and of course i will buy their next IP light no fire 🙂

  6. I have 100s of hours into this beautiful game and too many hours dedicated to ship hunting than I would have liked. While I love my current flagship I still can't wait to get my hands on the new ship building mechanism.

  7. I'll preface this by saying I'm a NMS fan and I keep on being surprised by how many free updates HG has given us. With regards of space stations' interiors… am I missing someting? The aesthetics are incredible and I like how the kiosks are organized now. However, the patch notes say several times that stations "are procedurally generated" and "vary dramatically", that there are more "nooks to explore" and that the interiors have a "huge range of different designs". So far, all of the space stations I've visited since the update are practically the same. Sure, there are some small differences in decorations between the three species, but everything else is quite similar. For example, every station has a third level in which no NPC goes. And there aren't places such as the cantinas or the meeting rooms from previous stations.
    I feel like you read the patch notes and are led to expect a big number of different combinations. Unless I've been extra unlucky, the interiors are almost exactly identical. It makes sense for the kiosks to be all in the same places, to avoid confusion. But, in the past, HG has created AMAZING procedural interiors with the Desolation update. I can't help but to feel quite disappointed with this particular thing from Orbital.
    PS: Ship building! Let's goooooo!

  8. I have spent over 500 hours on just ship hunting.
    I love the discovery.
    During that whole time i wanted ship building and customisation because it would be more realistic and immersive that the technology existed to do so.
    I am relieved they only allowed it for the main race ships and not the exotics/interceptors though.
    I'm still hunting.

  9. I don't want to look spoiled, but even if Orbital is in my opinion a great update (especially for the space stations overhaul), I still miss the possibility to add new details and customizations to the already existing starships (the ones we already own and love). Yep, building customized starships is cool, yep, choosing a wider variety of colours is cool, but adding completely new parts ON TOP of the existing ones (cannons, rust/damage textures, flags, logi and various new patterns to add on the surfaces of the cockpits, wings etc) as well as alternative parts to the existing ones (new wing types, new thruster types, etc.) would be awesome.

  10. I love what they're doing But I want to be able to build a base on an asteroid. Once you put a base marker on the asteroid, it can't be destroyed. But before you put a base marker on it you can hollow it out and Land inside of it. Then put a base marker Inside.


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