NEW Modernized US Warships: Tico CMP & Arleigh Burke III (ESSM, SM-3, SM-6 & more) | DCS

0:00 Intro
1:20 Tico CMP Details
7:04 AB Details
7:58 BGM-109E Tomahawk IV
9:13 Guns Cannons
11:03 RGM-84L Harpoon
11:56 SM-3
13:31 SM-2MR & SM-6ER
17:15 ESSM
18:57 Huge Vampire Strike
22:28 Torpedoes
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33 thoughts on “NEW Modernized US Warships: Tico CMP & Arleigh Burke III (ESSM, SM-3, SM-6 & more) | DCS”

  1. Block 2A and 2B sm3 sm6s variants are already in service any chance we see those next. Would also love to see the new maritime modified fuse anti-shipping jdams and how effective they could be against a Russian or Chinese fleet from a group of f-35s or a B21. Super cheap method of taking worships $40,000 bomb didn't even need to hit just near it explodes underneath breaking the back similar to torpedoes.

  2. SM3 is a three stage missile with a separate KKV LEAP type interceptor that uses an ACM to score hittile intercepts. It may have a lethality enhancer for jets but it doesn't need it for BMD as no proximity fuse will react in time to a near miss at 7-8 miles per second combined closure and no missile will survive even a glancing impact at those speeds.

    RIM-161 Scores Kills Over Ukraine

    ESSM comes in Blk.1 and Blk.2 versions. The RIM-162A is a SARH weapon. ESSM Blk.2 RIM-162F is an ARH weapon and both are characterized by having a two stage body with the aft stage being a 10" motor and the front end more or less a Modified Sparrow vs. AMRAAM guidance section. ESSM Blk.3 will have an AESA seeker.

    ESSM Blk.1 came into service in 2004. It's a comparitively old weapon, suitable for the CMP upgrade Tico because the latter has four illuminators vs. only two on the Burkes. ESSM Blk.2 came into service in 2020. It is brand new and more appropriate to a Flt.III Burke.

    The ESSM has a small booster and the booster has a thust vectoring capability, designed to achieve rapid tiltover on close-in threats. It is not a combat maneuvering system as the booster falls away. The primary missile is skid-to-turn like any other.

    While the weapon has a nominal 27nm max range, 'like an artiller round' kinematic. The ESSM-1 is closer to 12nm and ESSM-2 is more like 18nm, against any kind of maneuvering target. For reference, RIM-7L had a max effective around 8-10nm.

    These are weapons intended to engage from the radar horizon to the RIM-116/CIWS inner zone boundary on very low level threats. Drag at minimum altitude is horrendous, especially when the threat missile starts to snake and you have to compensate by flat plating the effector to a Mach 2+ airstream. As such, the game weapons retain energy for far too long.

    RIM-162 ESSM Blk.1 vs. RIM-7VL Differences

    What makes SM-6 important in AAW is that, with the support of fighters or AWACS, it can hit targets which are BTH. SM-2IIIB/C can do this as well, only it uses an IIR seeker augement. SM-6 Blk.1 is essentially SM-2 Blk.4 with the same motor and shortcase booster. SM-6 Blk.1A will have a new primary motor (21" not 13.5") and will likely be hypersonic in the midcourse.

    SM-6 entered service in 2013. The new SM-6 Blk.1A will IOC around 2024 and Blk.II, combined with other missile capability enhancements will sometime around 2028. Much depends on how Big Navy standardizes it's hypersonics as SM-6 is quite expensive as a throw away for surface to surface but has the potential (ARM) to so some unique to type mission sets.

    The biggest problem with the SM-6 as presented is that it is designed for SBT. Or Sea Based Terminals. It doesn't have Upper Tier capabilities on depressed trajectory shots which are too low for SM-3. And for high divers, it hits a radar limit for inclination and target size which the reduced RMA count SPY-6 will not cover.

    The bigger missile and faster kinematic is supposed to help this but will not be available before 2028. It has the energy to do area defense against low-angle ballistics from shore batteries and high angle divers from near-Exo without hitting the cuing limits of the AMDR.

    Again, this is something which should significantly differentiate the CMP and the Flt.III hulls as 2000 vs. 2020 era weapons systems.

    The Mk.32 is not a surface to surface system as you clearly don't want to be tossing around even short-range torpedoes in the middle of a CSG. Rather, it is intended to support inner zone ASW against subs. Even if you had to cheat and treat radar as sonar and make subs RFLO 'stealthy' it would be an incredible improvement to game play to introduce function submarine warfare with supported helicopters and surface escorts.

    Finally, the original fitting of the RIM-162 came with the decision to remove the Mk.15 CIWS. This was later deemed a mistake and now there is an increasing emphasis on one CIWS and one Mk.49 Sea-RAM in an 11 shot Mk.49 launcher as offering the best balance. With a range of around four miles and potentially 5 double tap engagements onboard, the Rolling Airframe Missile is just generally a better last ditch weapon as the 1,500m max of the 20mm gun is actually only about 500m effective which is less than 2 seconds engagement window for a supersonic weapon like the YJ-12 or Oniks.

    Where the R2 is most effective is in pushing in the noses of the little pestilential PCI/FIAC type speedboats with which the IRGC/N for instance routinely come out and dazzle with lasers or searchlights our ships at night will crossing the seaway of the escorts at often less than 20m separation from the bow. This is suicidal if they have any propulsion failure but more importantly, it's also below the slew and depression coverage of the Mk.45 5" mount. But not the CIWS.

    By 2030, the Flight IIIs will likely pick up the HELIOS laser system but until then, the idea should be that surface threats have 360` ASUW coverage with the Mk.38 and Mk.15 mounts, out to about 1,000m, and have primary missile or fast boat defense then switch to the RIM-116 from there. ESSM will also supplement the 5" in killing boats out to the theoretical radar horizon so really, they have to be suicidal with the intent to get close and then go VBIED nuts with a collision at speed.

    If they employ Seraj-1 (Bladerunner 51 hulls), capable of 90-100 knots, these could become very dangerous 'one shot pop' (2,000-3,000lb charge explosive suicide craft) threats indeed. There are also HMG + MRL and HMG + AShM variants.

    For balanced gameplay, the introduction of new threat platforms/effectors requires offsetting swarm threats like go-fasts; Hormuz and DF-15 guided rockets, YJ-18/Kalibr long range ASUW dual profile missiles (subsonic to terminals, Mach 3 to impact); and SSK/SSN.

    These will either soak defensive fires, draining magazines, or get so close before threat reaction (stealth) that they push AI reactions and offer big payoffs to the play who uses his radar and FLIR to provide target cuing.

    Extremely Good Job overall. Here's hoping it's the start of something to better emulate the modern naval warfare environment overall (damage models that degrade sensors, datalink and weapon magazines while creating hull list to indicate flooding damage, EW to include floating and flying decoys, SRBOC, Jamming and passive tracking/network defense as CEC shared trackfiling).

  3. The SM 3 is a fast missile boy. I dont think some people realized it's TRUE speed…the block IA/B IS AT MACH 8. The Block IIA MACH 13.4….makes me wonder how good the THE SM 6 is here as the missile itself only tops out at Mach 3.5……until the modified SM 6 Block IB arrives….

  4. I know I am being “That Guy”, but this is coming from a good place to help you improve the realism of your simulations. Both ships have the triple tube torpedo launchers, but they are primarily for anti submarine use. The torpedoes used are small, fast, and maneuverable for that purpose. The warheads are also light weight at just under 100 pounds. (The mk 48 torpedo used by submarines against ships pack a warhead almost 650 pounds.)

    The CIWS is starting to be replaced by the RIM 116 rolling airframe missile. This missile was originally based on the sidewinder missile with a 6.2 mile range. The SeaRAM launcher can fit where the 20mm cannon goes and carry 11 missiles ready to fire. Depending on the variant it uses a radio frequency/IR guidance.

    The SM-3 is a great addition, and is a pretty impressive missile. The “warhead” is a kinetic kill vehicle, there are no explosives used. While it does use semi active radar homing, it also has INS and GPS guidance and the kill vehicle has a passive LWIR homing seeker (two color IR on the block IIa model.) The block I is Mach 8.8, the block IIa is Mach 13.2 for velocity. The missile itself is a 4 stage rocket including the booster with the last stage being the kill vehicle that has throttleable divert attitude control to go after maneuverable hypersonic missiles. (The kill vehicle is basically an over sized coffee can with sensors and thrusters) For more information, watch “Satellite Shootdown” on YouTube. The USS Lake Erie used a slightly modified missile and computer coding to shoot down a wonky satellite in the early 2000’s do to a hydrazine risk. It was a one shot bullseye with the kill vehicle.

    The SPY 6 is on the flight III destroyers, and is more powerful than the SPY 1 on the cruiser. It has EW capabilities and according to unclassified open source (like everything I am writing) can “detect a target 1/2 the size at twice the range”. So if a SPY 1 picks up a 1m target at 10 miles, a Spy 6 will pickup a 0.5m object at 20 miles. (Just using simple and not actual sizes and ranges). I think this means that it can see a stealthy or low observable target further away.

    Your LRASM does need the addition of swarm attack. These missiles talk to each other, and if a group of let’s say three are going to the same ship, they will do a time on target from multiple directions to further overwhelm a target’s defenses. They also do not always pop up and go diving in. They have advanced sensors that will pick a sensitive spot like the CIC and just hit it. I know with the hit point system modeling something that specific is next to impossible.

    Overall I am impressed with the new additions, especially the ESSM. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to scream where are the ESSM’s in your naval battles. I do hope to see some redos of those fleet on fleet fights with the more modern and better designed missiles and systems you have come up with.

  5. The range for SM-6 is stated as 130 NM due to the limitations of the AN/SPY-1D radar. It has engaged land targets at over 215 NM with CEC. And the AN/SPY-6 is expected to provide weapon's quality track at 200 NM for SM-6. It can also do SRBM and MRBM intercept for Dual 1 and Dual 2 upgrades, which go on top of the Block 1 or Block 1A iirc. Dual 2 has been successfully tested against IRBM in terminal phase
    For SM-3, it uses a kinetic warhead since it's hit-to-kill, this kinetic kill vehicle uses IR for terminal guidance.

  6. For the realism’s sake: sm-3 actually consists of 4 stages, 1 booster stage, 2 sustainers, and 1 interceptor. And sm-3 isn’t any capable of intercepting atmospheric targets(from sea level to 70km or 44 miles).

  7. Looking at how the Arleigh Burkes are being developed just shows in contrast how criminally underfunded the British Type 45 programme is. Dropping the RADAR guidance of the main gun was madness – now we're in the drone age – how useful would that capability have proven to be? We didn't buy into the anti-ballistic missile ASTER 30 NT project, and the effective shelving of fitting Sea Ceptor in order to provide more Sky Sabres for Ukraine means point defence is limited due to the extended minimum engagement profile of ASTER 15 against sea level targets. The world class SAMPSON RADAR will be able to precisely track whatever's about to sink her. Rule Britannia eh?

  8. Any chance you could try and update an Iowa class battleship with modern radars, CIWS, EW and chaffs? Like get it as close to what it would look like if it was reactivated in 2022 and pit it against something cool! Something like a Zumwalt or indeed these two modern warships?

  9. Amazing. Seeing dozens of missile trails coming out of a ship is porn. Why can't ED make stuff like that? And even if they can't why don't they put this fan made stuff of good quality into their game?
    Also where is RUM-139 VL-ASROC? Did you know they're ballistic after the initial thrust vectoring to get them to land in the right area?
    Also ESSM and SM2 (unsure about the others) also have a surface to surface mode. While their blast frag warhead with proximity fuse doesn't really do a whole lot to big ships, they are rather effective against small gun and speedboats.
    In real life those ships also have a system in place that allows them to fire on the tracks of another vessel.

  10. im not gonna say how, because its classified, but the loadout for the missiles for the burke is WAYYYYYY off. the types is correct, but the amounts of some of them is wayyy overstated.


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