New MMORPGs Launching in October 2022 | What MMO Should You Play?

New MMORPGs Launching in October 2022 | What MMO Should You Play?
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I guarantee you clicked this video because you’re bored with what you’re playing and you’re looking for something completely new. Something to tickle your pickle in a way that you haven’t felt in a while. And you just might be in luck.

Now let’s jump in.

MMOs included in this video:
Dual Universe
Ravendawn Online
Cinderstone Online
Embers Adrift
New World – Brimstone Sands
Tower of Fantasy

And that’s every MMO-related release that I’m aware is happening in the month of October 2022.
If none of these are of interest to you, however, no problem. Try checking out one of these 2 videos on-screen – one detailing the most played MMOs currently in 2022, and one detailing the most played Gachas currently in 2022. Both very important if you’re looking for something new to play.

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39 thoughts on “New MMORPGs Launching in October 2022 | What MMO Should You Play?”

  1. There's no way in hell I'm getting B2p indie mmo. You pay and the game goes offline in a year because..its an indie and no one trusts em and player count goes to 0

  2. @MMOByte I got the sauce. This is a long comment so bear with me.

    No leveling at all, maybe weapon proficiency for unlocking things or as a reference for improvement. Skill/abilities are gained based on the content you do. Gazelle's fireball is obtained by killing Gazzele, finding their research notes, or some other thing gained from completing the content. Make healing abilities rare or none existent to drive a consumable based economy or just make magic cost some materials (like Fireball cost Sulfur). This makes the content you do shape your character.

    An actual player-driven economy and none of this fake stuff we see. Entrance and Exit style where players give/sell things to an NPC to sell and get a cut of profits. Money does not drop from mobs Period unless you kill NPC in a city and that crime. All items get consumed or eventually break meaning that there is a supply and demand aspect. Swords do not last forever but proper maintenance can extend how long it's usable.

    Region-specific materials that must be transported to other places incentivized by higher profits. Pvp is centered around this activity. You are not gonna find trees in a Desert and you are not gonna find sand in a forest. Activity plays a part in PVE too because if healing supplies only come from a Forest Region and you are doing content in a Mount region it's more beneficial to move the healing supplies to the region you are doing content in. Actually any bulk transport of Materials and good is a PVP activity.

    Inventory restrictions prevent players from carrying an infinite amount of items. Forcing you to prepare and choose what you bring to an activity wisely. Your not gonna go into a Volcano with a fur coat. Also gates the entrance of the economy where you must choose what resource you are bringing back with you rather than everything. The whole I'm gonna bring back 25 stacks of 1000 ain't gonna happen. You might bring back 5 pieces which might make a sword or two (Subject to Balancing).

    Would make this game in a heart beat if I had the money.

  3. The thing I hate most about MMOs is the fact that every time I search for new MMOs I'm spammed by this dudes shitty videos. He single handedly over saturated the search results with garbage content which has made it almost impossible to know what is actually going on in the MMO genre. Really wish I could ban all of these videos from my search results. But instead I'll vent my anger on here.

  4. For those who got clicked the bait the thumbnail is from God Eater. Not necessarily an MMO but more of a 4 player online co-op game like monster hunter. You can even complete it solo.

    Nice use of thumbnail bro. 👎

  5. Play Summoners War , or Epic Seven its mobile games, but many people play from Bluestack. That games are much better than most PC games.
    Foxhole realy good game. UNIQUE I would say!
    WoW is dead in any expansion. Company just cant manage game anymore. It sooo disgusting to play.
    In every aspect of a game, Pay gold for boost.
    Just disgusting to play by fact that many reach gold just becase they swipe swipe. Fro another side another part is waiting you to swipe.
    BG are dead. PvE dead. World PvP dead. AH dead. I just checked AH for prices. Items that was 1k-2k price now 20-50s LOL
    At the same time BoE from fated raids something like 5 000 000 – 10 000 000. Ahahah WTF is that?
    Game become peace of shit with gold flavour.
    Those devs who make new games with P2P sub mechanick. People that is 99.9% SCUM. Why? becase they sell peace of shit for monthly price like WoW, EVE online, FF14O and many more.
    Even Dual Universe….
    Lets just look at.
    That is space game = low commynity by itself.
    To make game alive need more players. How to make? Make game SUPER GOOD(which is not the case). Game is good, but not to pay montly price.
    What to do? B2P mechanick.
    Will they do that? Hell no. Why? They dont care about game, only about money.
    What is KEY for success???
    Do game for player. You will get MANY players.
    Many player will bring more players. You will build community.
    Then you could sell merch, and maro for extra money. Not only from game itself.
    How come that GW2 is still alive with B2P model???
    They trying to care about game.
    Thats why ingame still good community. One of the best in 2022 for sure.
    Next one. We are next to WW3. New world crysis. And NOONE know what will be tomorrow. But hell they trying to sell shit for cake.
    Be prepare for prices go up at everything like x2 x3 times.
    Eveb sub fee.
    So game with bad community will be dead in 1 2 3. Since no one will pay 20-30$ montly for peace of shit.
    That its just my opinion.
    But that is what I see right now. And that happens world wide.
    Altho. We have now many aspects, like region lock. Or even region block by goverment.
    West block east. Be prepared East block west.
    They enternet get part block too. And world devided. = dead gaming industry for many many years.
    Play games what you like. Just enjoy it.
    But better invest you time into education. Basicaly any real skill.
    Play real life, manage your self as character. Make it stronger and clever. For good future.
    It you already have everything. Be prepared to loose it in 1 2 3 since when world will be changed everything will be changed. And changes will be for sure.
    People become crazy.
    Where is kindness? Everywhere is toxic environment.
    People stop use their brain, and let others do it for themselves.
    I'm done.
    Don't give a chance for people, government, developers etc etc to foolish you.

  6. all mmos currently are trash and boring dull pay to win trash forced pvp trash ptw gacha HORRIBLE CHARACTER CUSTIMIZATION no one knows how to make a good mmo ( this isnt supposed to look like a hate message more like a do somthing better message fix your games and stop making trash please)…

  7. That strobing leprechaun thing between each game is INCREDIBLY unpleasant. It's also the kind of thing that may trigger some people with epilepsy. Others will do as they please, but if this ends up being something you use in multiple vids, then it's unsubscribe time for me. Please use something else, Styx, something… almost anything else.

  8. DU is actually really amazing concept and I think they might actually be able to pull it off. See what makes it so unique is they are trying to create an mmo with no limitcap on players within an area, so you can have hundreds of thousands of people either fighting in wars or over politics, especially with their planned implications for a real political system where players can vote others in or out as well as many policy that can shape the factions as a whole

  9. I've been playing Chimeraland, yes I know you don't like the game, it does have a lot of interesting features. The player population has been tanking fast lately, at least on my server, definitely looking for a new game now.😁

  10. DU is the absolute worst MMO you could ever experience. I played a little during the Alpha. It's dev team are very hostile to negative comments, and their customer service is absurd. It took me 9 emails, and three weeks to terminate my "optional" monthly subscription. And I basically had to threaten legal action for them to terminate my sub. Never touch that game.

  11. I can recommend Foxhole if you're looking for a sense of belonging. even if you hate pvp, you're still needed to farm that scraps and work at backline in factory zone. i played it for the memes, stayed for Glorious Warden.


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