*NEW LEAGUE* Iron Warriors vs Grey Knights | Warhammer 40k League Report

Welcome back to season 4 of the Tabletop Tactics league! In this banger of an opening game we have the Spider fielding his Grey Knights against Beard’s Iron Warriors!

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45 thoughts on “*NEW LEAGUE* Iron Warriors vs Grey Knights | Warhammer 40k League Report”


    It’s been pointed out that Devastating Wounds no longer inflict Mortal Wounds, so Draigo’s 4+ FNP wouldn’t have worked against the Forge Fiend (which we all missed at the time).

    As a result, I will reverse the victory point scores as Draigo would very likely have died to the subsequent Obliterator shooting. The League leaderboards will reflect this. Congratulations Beard! :)❤️🕷️

  2. If you want to see why Tabletop Tactics is the premier 40K outlet. Checkout my favorite Bat Rep- World Eaters Ultra Marine, back in February 2023. Pure battle joy from Chef and Lawrence. “Im taking Ultra Marines.” “Lawrence who cares.” Lol😂

  3. Lawrence, props for the forfeit. I take it YOU are now eligible to change your list as the losing player? If so, I might recommend swapping out one Librarian for a Grand Master. The recent FAQ clarification allowing his rule to ignore -Damage modifiers is huge. Those vortexes treated you well this game, but it is only a matter of time until they will betray you! Mark my words…

  4. It’s annoying the FNP doesn’t trigger on dev wounds, it was the primary way of Mortals even being in the game at first. They even recognised it should with the custodes army rule change so I don’t know why they don’t just make it a flat across the board change cause it was accounted for in the beginning.

  5. Good game if but a little brutal.

    And I have downloaded the app and fought my first league game with my noble Ultramarines vs the diabolical Chaos Knights, and lost, but it was a valiant effort and my Lieutenant took down a Knight Despoiler with grenades, that was fun.

  6. Is it me or is GK only army that actually gets decent chance to get "Capture enemy Outpost" on turn 1 as opposed of it being just flat out impossible for any other army (on turn 1)?

  7. Please don't rush your Venomcrawlers into melee again. They only get 6 attacks with no special keywords. 6 attacks on a model that's part of a squad is great, but on its own it's terrible.

    Compare that to the 12 shots they get at 36in range, especially with Sustained Hits 1 on a potential 5+. That's where they shine. Picking off tough infantry at range, especially with the buff they get for killing something. Obliterators get 4 Str9 D2 attacks in melee per model, but you wouldn't charge with them.


    Chosen are still great, but I would suggest pairing them up with an Exalted Champion to get 2+ in melee and 3+ on their combi-weapons (including his own). He's effectively a buffed Chosen, with extra damage in melee and D3 Strength when he Dark Pacts.

    The Chaos Lord is still rather pricy, but he's a great way to smash something large, and if you pair him with Legionaries, he's especially nasty on an objective as he gains their "Veterans of the Long War ability, potentially allowing you to fish for Devastating Wounds, but definitely converting all of those misses. If you're giving them the Mark of Slaanesh for SH1 in melee, you might want to consider using the 0CP ability on "Unnatural Swiftness", allowing them to advance, shoot and charge just like Chosen.

  8. I might have missed it but what happened to flame head on Beards home objective. he was there in one shot then the terminators came down on it and he was gone. is there a rule that I missed that makes him die or is removed?

  9. No, thats a hard pass for me. Once the score is in, it final. Unless something malicious happened with certainty. GK would likely have won anyways. Ive had some tough breaks realizing my opponent did something wrong. Never asked for a take back though. Beard was also playing.


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