New Hope! Return of the GOOD FORCE! November 2022 Sidereal Astrology Predictions!

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48 thoughts on “New Hope! Return of the GOOD FORCE! November 2022 Sidereal Astrology Predictions!”

  1. A "lingering hunger" I personally have for knowledge. With planetary alignments and the incoming age of Aquarius I strongly believe it is exactly this we will hunger for… ancient occult knowledge and wisdom. I certainly want no one to experience anything, otherwise.

  2. Miscarriages concern me, with the "thing" that pregnant women were convinced and coerced into taking, in their arm. The danger for the children, from the same, is very real and truly concerns me. We must all learn that mandates are absolutely illegal, as in most laws they go against our rights. We must all learn and know our God given human rights and freedoms. State Nationals is the best place to start.

  3. Lada, thank you for all the information you bring. There's so much positivity and light coming from you ✨️🙏 sending a lot of gratitude ✨️

  4. I find it interesting when people who claim to be spiritual or in the spiritual arts support the clot shot. It's on par with alleged herbalists who support and got the poison shot. Such people are not to be trusted or listened to as far as I am concerned. They are fakes that have zero understanding of the world we live in. A person can't teach anyone, when they bask in ignorance themselves.

    Lada, I know you are aware but are you saying that Trifon supports the v a x x? Well, anyone who does, is not to be listened to. It's funny because the actual research on the m R N A jabs is online and available to read by anyone with even half a brain! There are 1,291 admitted side effects and by the way, the first one listed is a syndrome that causes chromosome deletion. Very ugly stuff. A person would have to be a fool of the highest order to think that shot is safe or necessary.

  5. Omgosh Lada ….. last year Nov 19, 2021 eclipse happened & tragically my 32yr old beautiful daughter Katherine Danielle relapsed from her evil addiction of fentanyl battle.on NOV 18 2021 . She was a libra sun & libra ascendant. I caught you on live steam and you told me that eclipse was extremely hard on Libras and now Stephan said 7 days before Jupiter moves forward which is exactly the day she pasted last year I’m really struggling cuz one lost part of my heart but also cuz her husband didn’t let us see her & saying our goodbyes . He also got her on fentanyl and trafficked her. He was 20 yrs her elder & I believe he is evil. We had a memorial service. He showed up screaming we were bad parents & our fault. I know he can’t control her so tried us. He got $100,000 but told us we had to pay for funeral or can’t say our goodbyes. I said he’ll no and asked my children to block him. I was probably wrong but he had no reason to trust him plus how he thought he could blackmail me with her body. I will say at memorial service that he tried to spoil by telling funeral home that he was the husband and we couldn’t have memorial without his permission. The director kinda laughed and explained we could rent a private room and he had no say since we didn’t have her body. He did his best to get me to talk to him & treat him as a family member. He promised I’d never know where she’d be. I knew .. he cremated her and took her home to use to play sad widow or compare his new gf to my Katherine. Seriously he is an evil man. Like a horrible lifetime movie.
    Ok I’m sorry I’m guilty of pouring heart out when online talking to strangers. I haven’t let myself break down cuz I’m scared what’s coming on anniversary but Stephen said healing and faith will be strengthened. After all this long ass “comment”😂 I must ask you & followersI can I manifest that he will have his day soon. She was 3rd wife and all she had to do was testify that he used deadly force against her and he would have been in prison for 10 yrs. He told me 4 yrs ok he would never let her go and that she was his and I guess after making her loose her 2 kids and then set her up couple time with law. Oh we all live in Louisiana and he was a truck driver. He literally dumped her in the middle of the street in worst part of the city of Chicago for 3 or 4 hours. Till she learned how to show him respect & realize he is her elder.
    because she doesn’t respect or listen to her and he was her elder. Told her no wonder family don’t come around. Totally belittled her and she believed everything he said. The days before she relapsed and past on , He was yelling at her there cameras all over the house. If she didn’t answer his call he would turn cable and phone off. Next day same thing as he told her until she lost weight and started showing him respect that he preferred to keep playing with a new hoe. Not my words those were his and she was super depressed & now in a wheelchair because after her surgery he kick in. So between that and his cruel treatment thru cameras & his hatefulness she went in bathroom cuz no camera & he thought he wasn’t talking her sister & I, anyway she would hide in tub incase he tried listening. Anyway I got a call Nov 16 and then her sister on 17. I was to call her on 17 after 8 . Her sister & I were on the phone with one another saying how different she sounded. The most beat down then we had ever seen. Next morning we found out she overdosed at 7pm on Nov 18 but informed on 19th the eclipse. I have to pray Jesus reached down & said take my hand for suffering to stop. Basically I failed her. I pray she knows how regretful I was for always fighting with her to leave him but she she didn’t want to behind to hurt us. Cuz he called my husbands job and lied to point he almost got fired, so begged, pleaded to go to a shelter. He had her convinced for most of the ten yrs we looked at her as beneath the family. But it was him that wasn’t welcomed not her. Unless kids were there. Couldn’t risk Rodney trying to get to them since we heard him asking many where did grandparents move with kids so he could visit & tell Katherine how they were. We steady stayed on guard, but could save her from the most severe convert narcissist, serious look it up it’s the devil’s son. So guess I’m praying that I will have universe energy to have him pay a price for destroying my Katherine & our family. Praying Stephen is right, heal and strengthened faith for justice . I’m sorry y’all but I can’t talk to husband or anyone but feel free to talk to strangers. I apologize i suck at putting words & sentences together. Please pray Stephen is right. Hopefully the entire world can heal from the sick baste-reds killing parents, grandparents alone & those that didn’t they forced poison in them. So I truly pray the good prevail & send the evil to hell where they belong, then help heal my family with some kind of peace. I promise everyone and the good lord that is an evil man & will get new victim. Help me pray or manifest or both to prevent another victim, simply JUSTICE ✝️✝️✝️

  6. On second thoughts I think Trifon's assertion about the Scandinavian countries probably refers (also) to the NordStream pipeline explosion. Sweden completed an entirely confidential enquiry into this (the explosion is in their waters), involving no other country. The Russians had no reason or incentive to blow up their own pipeline. So, who did? Jim Rickards (the money/financial guru) has just tweeted that the Russians will present their evidence that Britain did it with US approval. This is a direct attack on a NATO ally – Germany – and dynamite in more senses than one.

  7. Hey, thank you for this video! Just wanted to let you know that the most common place to be born in Iceland, Reykjavík, is not a possibility to choose in your free birth chart.

  8. Thanks to you, Lada, and also Trifron! Now I am wondering why no one is saying anything about the impending PoleShift that is to occur in and around February 4, 2023?? VICTORY TO THE LIGHT

  9. The eclipse on the 8th will have Ketu, mercury, and the sun will all be right on top of my natal mars in libra in the swati nakshatra in my 10th house. What will that mean for me? I’m a sidereal Capricorn rising. I’m looking forward to having my nervous system relax a bit. That sounds really nice right now.

  10. hmm no mention by trifon of needles in relation to what he predicts re the lunar eclipse and loss of babies or of other possible reasons for the supreme court decision in the summer regarding the same…….. Also it's not always true that your western sign is 1 after the sidereal. There's a difference of roughly 23 to 24 degrees so this will be true about 80% of the time (24 degrees is 80% of the 30 degrees of any sign) but not always!


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