-NEW HERO- Junker Queen All Abilities LEAKED!?!? – Overwatch 2 News

The new hero Junker Queen’s abilities have just leaked via a brand new Overwatch 2 leak! Her kit and ability icons have all been leaked via French Overwatch personality FéféGG, and outline her kit as being a brawly (possibly) Tank hero! Let me know your thoughts on these new Junker Queen hero leaks by dropping a comment below!

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39 thoughts on “-NEW HERO- Junker Queen All Abilities LEAKED!?!? – Overwatch 2 News”

  1. NOTE: A lot of people are bringing up that a boomerang is thematically fitting given that she is Australian. While this is true if she does in fact have a LITERAL boomerang, that isn't consistent with the giant axe we've seen her wielding in basically every image ever seen of her (including her player model seen during BlizzConline). My assumption was that she'd throw out her axe and then call it back a la Thor's hammer. Additionally the icon for the ability itself doesn't even seem to depict an actual boomerang, but rather looks more like a machete or kukri. I'm saying that the necessary tech behind a non-boomerang item returning like a boomerang is inconsistent with the technology of the Junkers, not that it doesn't fit for an Australian to have a boomerang.

    NOTE 2: Féfé has clarified that he isn't 100% confident that the leak is credible. So as always, please take it with a grain of salt!

    Thanks for watching and be sure to hit 📺SUBSCRIBE and 🔔NOTIFICATIONS to never miss any future Overwatch videos: https://bit.ly/37k63qn

  2. When does overwatch 2 come out cause I searched it up on google and it said April 26 2022 but then I searched up when is the beta coming and it said April 26 2022 so I just wanted to know when the actual game is coming out

  3. From what I’m gathering, this kit could actually be extremely well interlocked and useful!
    While the scattergun is basic spread damage, the rest of her kit appears to rely on bleed damage to enemies, and keeping herself alive through bleed damage.
    As for her ult, even as a slow charge I can see potential in it. The ‘anti-heal’ aspect is interesting but off putting, considering that the rest of her kit really has nothing else revolving around it, but when combined with bleed damage I can definitely see it being an intense combo.
    With her boomerang knife, I think it’ll be implicated for mid range damage. It might not even be high tech, as suggested in this video, but instead just a knife basic designed to have a throwable boomerang attack, which gives in my opinion an even more Australian theme!

    I hope this kit is real, because if it is, then I definitely know who I’m gonna start maining.

  4. 7:02, ever since the Junker Queen got teased as a potential hero with an axe weapon, I've been hoping she would have a boomerang type ability because it is a very traditional tool of the Aboriginal Australians. Not sure why you would say it's "thematically off based".

  5. just a general question but is the junker queen and the other confirmed new hero coming to overwatch 1 as well? or are they OW2 exclusives, I'm a bit lost on that lol

  6. A boomerang attack isnt thematical for an australian apparantly lol, it makes a lot of sense since shes australian and what comes around goes around, now the question is, does it function like a normal boomerang or like a kylie where its straight forward

  7. i think the adrenaline is saying after a short amount of time not taking damage, junker queen will use a adrenaline shot recovering the damage from poison, burn, bleed, etc

  8. a lot of the translations are either wrong or missing some details. for example the throw knife ability doesn't boop enemies away it attracts them to you and the ability deals bleed damage and applies anti-heal

  9. French is my native language and I can tell there are translation errors:

    – Her ultimate does not only apply anti-heal, it also applies bleeding.

    – The ability "Lame Dentelée" translated to "Blade with sharp teeth" has nothing to do with a Boomerang. It's just a blade that she throws, and when pressing the ability button again, the blade comes back to her. If the blade hit an enemy, it grabs it toward you when returning to you (it is unclear if the enemy is only pushed slightly toward you or if it's a literal hook).

    Also, this ability has a passive: It says that your melee hit applies bleeding. Because this is an ABILITY passive and not just a CHARACTER passive (like her other passive that heals her when she deals bleeding damage), I assume that she melee using this blade (applying bleeding), and when the blade is thrown and hasn't return to her yet she melee with her fist (NOT applying bleeding).

  10. I feel like you might be massively underestimating how powerful her ultimate is. Being able to anti nade an entire team potentially, while healing, would be a crazy powerful engagement tool. Think how good anti nade on ana is.

  11. As much as i like this idea and it would create a really interesting tank( or more like a brawler, which as we know is the direction the devs would like to take for ov2 in subject of tanks) the whole situation around the leak with blocked stream and "trust me dude" reassurance just seems a bit sketchy and odd. Idk as much as that sounds lovely i dont really think this one is true…

  12. ahh yes too much tech for a Junker to have a returning axe, makes more sense to have pocket dimensions to pull infinite axes out of than a magnet in her hand, not like she runs mecha fighting rings and has connections with Hammond and Winston, and why would an Australian have a boomerang? not like its a well known stereotype in media or anything

  13. I disagree hard on the idea that her kit doesn't mesh well, and also I think it's blatantly obvious that she's a tank.

    Tank heroes are generally designed around being short range powerhouses that lack many if any long-ranged options. The idea being that they create space for their team by being scary to be around. Everything about this kit layout fits that to a T. Shotgun main weapon and Carnage both seem like strong short range AoEs. Plus she has the bleed effect on both Carnage and her Melee which even if it's easily healed through, still would be a deterrent to being close to her. So this kit really makes it sound like she creates space for her team by being scary like some of the other brawler tanks. Technically I could see her being a DPS too, since the only real requesite for that is more damage, but we already have too many DPS heroes, and the aforementioned points already feel like tank powers.

    The melee throw makes sense as her requesite single long-ranged option similar to things like Rein's Firestrike or Zarya's blast thing. Plus it acts as a way to inflict her bleed effect at range. Then of course her entire kit really comes together with her passive being that she heals herself through that bleed damage, given that she has no less than 3 different ways to inflict it between her normal melee, thrown melee, and Carnage AoE. (Also I'm wondering if Carnage is meant to be some kind of alt fire for her gun which would make basically every part of her kit based around bleed).

    Finally her ultimate really brings it all together since it charges her forwards, helping her get into that critical close-range environment, and causes Anti-heal, which would dramatically improve the effect of her bleed and in turn her sustain.

    Also as a side note, Bleed might be really good at taking out supports in this new version of the game, because presumably the constant damage over time would prevent the support passive from triggering, thus making it easier to keep them low and finish them off.

    A lot of her viability though will depend on just how bleed works and how strong it is. If it's something that goes away when healed then she'd be hard countered by healers like Lucio that do AoE healing, but I seriously doubt this is the direction they'd go in. But like I said the real question is just how much DoT is the bleed effect. If it's something like 10 hp/s then that's not a ton of damage compared to again, things like AoE heals since Lucio and Brigitte could out heal that with their passives. I think that 15 d/s is a good number since it would basically cancel out their healing while more direct heals like Mercy would be able to overcome it. Plus that would mean that if the self-healing is 1:1, that could be a good chunk of healing on herself. Carnage seems like an AoE so you could easily hit 2+ people with that, and then if you threw the melee to hit a third, you're already getting 45 h/s, which puts her on par with having a mercy on her. And that's before even considering how any other healing on her would go on top of that. She could be the kind of tank that is really hard to put down since you have to do it quickly or she just regens right back to full between all her bleed effects.

  14. Your reaction on it being an underwhelming ult is the opposite of my response to it. It sounds crazy good as a teamfight starter. And the fire/poison damage heal sounds like she's a tank that can run through these mines/dynamite and use it as healing, countering DoT damage, rather than healing on teammates doing damage with them.


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