NEW Dog Park – Meeker Island Dog Park with Kurgan

Footage from our hike through the Meeker Island Lock and Dam Dog Park with my Blue Bay Shepherd Kurgan. We haven’t filmed at Meeker Island Dog Park for a few years and thought we’d check it out today. We also visit one of Eggroll Queen’s food trucks in Saint Paul, MN.

“Meeker Island was the site of the first and northernmost lock and dam on the Mississippi River. Built to extend navigation from St. Paul northward to Minneapolis, it is also became a symbol of the economic and political rivalry between St. Paul and Minneapolis.

The geologic retreat of St. Anthony Falls northward created a nearly insurmountable navigation barrier north of St. Paul. Here the river ran through a rock-strewn, island-dotted gorge, now known as the Mississippi River Gorge. St. Paul, laying at the foot of the rapids, became the “head of navigation” for the Mississippi River and an important port for goods arriving or leaving the area. A dam built at Meeker Island would inundate the rock-strewn rapids below St. Anthony Falls permitting steamboats to reach Minneapolis, but also reduce St. Paul’s importance as a port.

Engineers built the Meeker Island Lock and Dam (formerly known as Lock and Dam 2) in 1907 and had nearly completed the Lock and Dam 1 downstream when Congress agreed to replace these two low dams with a single high dam capable of generating hydroelectric power at the location of the Lock and Dam 1. The resulting pool not only inundated the dangerous rapids but also the Meeker Lock and Dam, forcing its abandonment only five years after its completion. Engineers removed the upper five feet of the dam to further reduce its threat to navigation.

Parts of the lock system may still be seen on the east side of the river during low water.

The park lies on the border of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

In 2003, the ruins of the Meeker Island Lock and Dam were included on the National Register of Historic Places.”

*** A playlist showing all my dogs 1st hikes can be found here…

“I’m just some guy on YouTube.” I am not a “professional” dog trainer nor K9 nutritionist and I am not representing myself as one. I am here just showing what ‘I do’ and what ‘works for me’ as a long time Animal Warden, breeder and dog rescuer and I explain while doing it why I do it this way.

NEW YouTube Shorts Playlist…

A playlist of several videos showing and explaining all my tattoos can be found here…

!!! 1st 508th Airborne TEESPRING MERCHANDISE…

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See how Honey Badger earned her name as she struggles to survive…

Video of the Ka-Bar and Puukko’s litter being born can be viewed on my channel here…
Some RAW feeding videos I recommend below…

Is It Expensive To Feed Your Dog RAW Foods?

Does RAW food make dogs aggressive?

Guide to feeding dogs RAW food

How to feed your dog RAW food

How to feed your puppy RAW food

* Full video series: FOOD AGGRESSION IN PUPPIES *


***Here is a playlist of 100+ videos of my dogs and puppies eating various things on the raw diet…

**Here is a NEW playlist of my channel’s most popular video:


* Visit my Instagram:

* Tammy’s Instagram:

!!! 1st 508th Airborne TEESPRING MERCHANDISE…

!!! Donate here to help us with our YouTube channel and the Lycan Shepherd Project !!!


20 thoughts on “NEW Dog Park – Meeker Island Dog Park with Kurgan”

  1. You see Ryuk growing to be larger than Kurgan? Amazing pack you have there. I’m convinced you and your’re pack can raise a lion cub and have it turn out to be an obedient pet😂

  2. 🤔 Hmm…
    – Both of you "discovering pornography"
    – Tammy "getting down & dirty"
    – And enjoying "swinging"
    Not what I expected 😂😜
    "New" park — another great video!
    Great scenery, too bad it looks a little unkept and dirty.
    Garbage, graffitis, camps and homeless in a dog park? Hope you don't find used needles.
    Maybe some monitoring from Park Rangers would be nice 🧐
    Stay safe!


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