NEW Digimon Survive Nintendo Switch Release Date Trailer!

A new trailer for Digimon Survive is here! We already know the release date, but the Switch Release Date Trailer just went live the other day.

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End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
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25 thoughts on “NEW Digimon Survive Nintendo Switch Release Date Trailer!”

  1. I coulda sworn Survive already had his release date shown months ago. Like I remember many mentioning how it has same date as Xenoblade 3. Why is this new trailer already showing whats been stated 🤔

  2. Virtually any digimon can digivolve into any digimon through specific circumstances, but the species/family/gender/group insert other biology nomenclatures here affects drastically the chances of certain evolutions to happen, as far as I know the closest we got into this was with Cyber Sleuth since the digievolution path is quite big for the babies, but ofc they can't virtually become any of the existing digimon, but we know in this game Agumon has the biggest evolution tree so far depending on karma

  3. Nah I like the focus on story more. Btw a silly take I think Atlus might have given their blessing for this digimon title. I mean it takes a lot of Devil Survivor's core mechanics and the title is super similar. (It even has ~Demon~Digimon Negotiation lol) So that might explain the lack of new Devil Survivor. Or this is just me coping the lack of new Devil Survivor games :' )

  4. LOL I've seen your comments making fun of my lack of Digimon knowledge passed adventure 2 🤣 I vaguely remember some of the early episodes of DIgimon tamers but never got into it as a kid. I'm no Karn EX, just a guy whose looking to get back into the franchise after 2 decades and covers the monster taming genre as a whole, so bare with me as I get better ☺

  5. At 2:57 when it showed the story choices, the one that was picked flashed a color, one of three routes. Apparently it all totals at chapter 8 of 12(?) when your route for the story is locked in. Also, like the story routes, Agumon has 3 options for each evolution; one for neutral, good and evil. Greymon is for good and the red one (Tyranomon) is his neutral. Apparently every other character's digimon only gets an alternative evolution option at their final stage.

  6. Why can't we have a normal digimon game. Pick a avatar get sucked into the digiworld and go on an adventure. Is it really that hard to ask for? I've never liked the games they make even tho When pokemon and digimon was new I liked digimon more

  7. This game reminds me a lot of the SMT soul survivor games! It was portrait adv style scenes with SRPG combat plus monster collecting.

    Theres a time mechanic to explore the world much like persona games or VNs with date system

    Edit: oh man that pronouncation of Guilmon. To be fair if you never saw this critter the names are always funky for them.

    Its “gi-uhl” mon. Think beginning of guillotine.

  8. As a hardcore digimon fan, I have to say the game looks so disappointing. This seems to be the lowest budget digimon game in years. Everything looks cheap and unprofessional. Cant believe they made us wait so long for something like this instead of a story or world game. By the way the third season is by many considered to be the best. You should really watch it

  9. The battles look long, you see in one scene there 38 turns in, I think this is more like fire emblem gameplay so even if it’s 30% gameplay I can expect long draw out matches and most likely grinding will be needed so maybe areas you can go through to fame Xp and other things.


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