New details in Chicago area shooting death of 32-year-old woman

Two suspects faced charges Tuesday after a woman was shot and killed at an ATM in southwest suburban Worth. Tamara Jailynn Johnson, 22, and Jason Jerry Joseph Johnson, 23, have each been charged with first-degree murder, Worth police said.


17 thoughts on “New details in Chicago area shooting death of 32-year-old woman”

  1. My condolences to the family. I know this we are in the end time and unless we pray, it will soon be over, don't hesitate to get in touch with your loved ones and seek their salvation, have them say this prayer,

    "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life."

    Now call the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for a local church home, to get baptized, and take communion. Repent daily and read your bible daily. Congratulations, Jesus is Lord, and welcome to the family. May even the shooter, realize his error, repent, and come to Christ

  2. In this day and age , there should be NO reason to go to an ATM to pay your bills ,, i mean you can get paid directly in to your bank account & pay bills online without leaving home right ?? … Also we ALL know that justice will be lenient on these criminals … i mean this has to be life no parole yeah ?? .. Just watch as their defense attorney put on the sop story that they needed money for their family & didn't mean to kill her as it was during a struggle … 2nd deg manslaughter i bet … 12 years out in 8 … just watch …

  3. This BS is what happens when you white folks vote for these No good phony N@#$& because they support murdering innocent Babies by abortion and the LGBT. . BS . . Now people need guns to protect themselves and their families because the leaders have let them N** get out of control 🥴

  4. it's also crazy because this BS . . is normal in the black community . . people getting Robbed and Shot All kinds of violence . . This why it's so much trauma and anxiety , addiction , hopelessness and despair . . a lot of people have been victims are overwhelmed and just don't know what to do 🤦🤦


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