NEW CONTENT IS COMING!!! | Raid: Shadow Legends

I’m back from holiday and reacting to the big reveal that Clan Wars(?) is coming on July 10th to Raid: Shadow Legends!


48 thoughts on “NEW CONTENT IS COMING!!! | Raid: Shadow Legends”

  1. Any big content like Cursed CIty should have 5 difficulities like Clan Boss and Hydra.. Easy to Nighmare.. It's a better way of getting Newbie players a way to get better rewards and not feel crushed by some of the aspects of the game.

  2. sir Nubs, I've noticed you have a high rank in tag arena.
    Could you perhaps give me some pointers on how to get to gold ?

    I've been stuck on the "reach silver III in tag arena" mission for 2 years, now.
    It sucks.

  3. Speaking of December big content drop…. I feel the fusion would be mythical. Here me out. They tested us last year with two over lapping "fusions" with some soul chase, with events, they made it chaotic…. However i do feel they were trying to see how far they could push. Putting in a mythical fusion that maybe is like a hybrid and one of the champs you need to use for fusion is leggo, requiring more to pull. could be like a 3 to 4 week fusion? Just saying. something to start saving or looking into.

  4. Good thing HH them brought you on to the team. Not starting anything but hearing their description of this new content and your description of this content is like night an day. You actually have me feeling more excited for this new content. I think the HH team is great in recognizing their different talents.

  5. The New missions could lead to first Void Mythical. Outside Marius, the champs you get typically are void. Marius is like a void. Should be "pinnacle" for that time of game

  6. Books! The rewards should be book heavy. They have been nerfing the rewards in a lot of tournaments/events that used to have epic/lego books and putting in ore or stones, but books are the most limiting thing in the game, maybe next to silver.

  7. For rewards, I think they should add more primal shards. It's kinda insane to me that I get more sacred shards from clan boss alone than I get primal shards from everything.

  8. They already nerfed Yannica(free)….but Trunda(pay) is still the same. Just a side note, I complain about this having 2 copies of Trunda myself.
    Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they just say "we are going to nerf Trunda", and then not do it. Just like they "said" they would get rid of the adv. quest for "use 1 hydra key", then they never did OR they would get rid of the ridiculous clan quests that are literally almost impossible for 99% of the community to do…..BUT, they never did.
    Also wouldn't be surprised if the "rewards for 4th and 5th place" never come either & they were "just saying stuff", once again, in a pathetic attempt to get people to shut up about it.
    Have to face the fact that Plarium are just a bunch of liars.

  9. i'm hoping the new clan boss will build off the live arena tech, kind of like a live clan boss battle…
    set 4 live cb's per day, scheduled every 6 hours. each player in the clan gets 3 live cb keys per day, so they have to sit out at least 1 live cb each day (probably the one that takes place while they are sleeping). the clan leader can re-arrange the order of normal/hard/brutal/nm so that the more difficult bosses come up when the clan's strongest players are able to participate.
    30 minutes prior to the start of battle, the team set-up period opens where players can use one of their keys to enter battle and contribute 1 champion from their roster onto the team.
    here is they key dynamic of the live cb – it has a passive that places block-revive debuffs on the clan's entire team before attacking, so revive champions are fairly useless while good healers and damage mitigators are at a premium.
    the clan leader (or a designated lieutenant) selects which champions begin on the team at the start of battle. the remaining champions submitted by other participating players remain 'on the bench' as substitutes. as champions get killed by the clan boss, since reviving is blocked, the clan leader/lieutenant acts as a 'coach' to pick which substitute from the bench comes in to take the place of the dead champion, and battle resumes. there is also a pre-designated priority order that can be set up at the same screen where the starting champions are selected, so that substitutes can get placed automatically if the clan leader goes afk or drops connection during battle and the substitution choice times out.
    since the boss gets stronger as the battle progresses to later turns (similar to demon lord), it probably makes more sense to put weaker champs into battle at the beginning. this allows the stronger champs to come in and take the starter's place when they die, so the strongest possible team is in to survive and prolong the battle when the boss power is ramping up. this also allows the weaker champs to survive more turns and deal more damage & healing early on when the boss is weaker.
    one optional wrinkle that might make things a little more interesting… the boss' block-revive passive gets disabled when the clan's 'bench' of substitutes gets emptied of the last clan champ. so it isn't totally worthless to have 1 really good reviver on the roster for each live cb battle, but you most likely want to use it to be the very last substitute champ to enter battle, because its revive ability is nullified if it comes in anytime earlier.

  10. Dude I've played almost 2years and I still can't do cursed city on normal and I was capable of doing last stage of iron twins, sand devil and ultra nightmare clanboss as well as Hydra brutal months ago

  11. On rewards I want a feast that’s for masteries. I don’t want to spend my gems and we have less and less time/energy for Mino. So fine make it a reward for some of this other stuff we’re now meant to be doing.

  12. clan wars will likely be something like territory wars in star wars galaxy of heroes. where each side strategically places defences that the other side has to battle through.

  13. Well this looks very much like the Guild vs. Guild in WoR, where you put up your defense, and the guild with more wins wins the duell. As long as the tries are finite i am fine with it, but when you can buy extra attack "keys" like in CvC with your gems, this will be so much of a upsie.

  14. I have no good Strengthen or Ally Protect champion… barely any good shield champions (pretty much just Wixwell) and only about halfway to Mithrala but some end game omega whale content creators "Champion Sucks!"…

    Eostrid has been a complete beast on my account as well super accelerated my progress and once again many content creators were pretty meh on her… just a warning for new players + ftp/low spenders.

    Really glad I don't just blindly follow this kind of advice… I would have missed Wixwell who gave easy 1 key UNM all affinities and boosted my Hard Hydra damage over 3x…

    The Incarnate does not suck… better damage multipliers than Wixwell and for new, unlucky, ftp, or low spend accounts could be extremely useful in a variety of defensive applications.

    She's kind of being slept on for removing shields + 1 other buff in PvP too but that is one area I agree her PvP seems lackluster for an Arbiter pairing.

  15. I've played for 3 years actively yet have not gotten any of the meta champs and I remember thinking one day I'll hit those 200 million scores against Hard hydra. I did only to consistently see that we're still down 8 Billion points. I wouldn't mind so much but when 40% of players get nothing for their efforts it makes the whole clash thing feel stupid AF.


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