New Chinese State App Tracks Your Exercise

A New Chinese State Health App originally made for covid tracking, plans to be upgraded to track exercise, sleeping patterns, alcohol consumption and send it to the police. Join Black Power Magic Hour hosts Messiah Rhodes & Dr. Evil Genius in the discussion. From the Black Power Magic Hour’s ‘Global Earth News’ segment.
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10 thoughts on “New Chinese State App Tracks Your Exercise”

  1. How long til health insurance companies want something worse?
    I dont think China actually implemented these changes to the app having seen someone use it in a vid the other day.

  2. Yo this convo is cringe to say the least. Y'all Americans always seem to think that the 1.4 BILLION Chinese are just one homogeneous entity controlled by the government. Reallly? You can control 1.4 BILLION people to think the same thing? Seriously? Don't underestimate the intelligence of people outside of the US. Truth is the Chinese govt has over 90% approval ratings, because simply put, everyone can see that their lives are getting better. The Americans are quick to project their lackluster governance and their penchant for military occupations to other countries. Why don't the American people just look inward for once and try to fix the problems in their own back yard? Simple. It's cause they can't. The American system is corrupt, broken, and led by a bunch of incompetents. Yo. America LITERALLY has ONLY one more political party than CHINA. And y'all joke about vaccine passports?. Do me a favour. YouTube some China based ex-pat vloggers and see the real China. Make up your own conclusions. Are they living in a dystopian nightmare? Seems like American projection once again. YouTube Eric Li's TED talk and see how China is REALLY governed. Y'all like to laugh and scoff about what China is doing…WTF are y'all Americans doing? You have become the international bullies. Look beyond your American lens. I suggest the channel Duran for real International political commentary. Thanks! 🙇🏻‍♂️


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