Neville Chamberlain – The Munich Agreement & Appeasement Documentary

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35 thoughts on “Neville Chamberlain – The Munich Agreement & Appeasement Documentary”

  1. It's strange how his life has been summarized into simply "the great appeaser". He was much more than just one bad decision. Thanks for showing us there was much more to the man. Nice video 👍

  2. He did the best with the cards he was dealt. Nearly nine (9) decades later with all the hindsight, all the research… We still struggle to understand Hitler. Imagine dealing with Hitler in real-time without any hindsight with the memories of the Great War less than two (2) decades prior. That's less than the time between 9/11 and now.

    He was a Right Honorable man who just wasn't cut out to be Prime Minister at that time. Had he served at another time in history he could have been, like Herber Hoover, remembered as a revered leader. 🇬🇧

  3. I must admit I've come away with a much more favorable opinion of Chamberlain after watching this than I had before. Thanks for helping balance out the facts, helping to set the record straight. I didn't realize all the good he did before Hitler came along and now find it sad that his dealings with Hitler are all people think of now when they remember him. For one thing I didn't know about all his positive social reforms as well as how he was responsible for British rearmament during the 1930's. Who knows? Maybe England would have been worse off without him.

  4. While Chancellor Chamberlain approved the funding of a massive increase in defence spending. The Navy got 5 new battleships, seven new carriers, 50+ cruisers, over 150 destroyers. The Air Force moved away from biplane to monoplane including the new Supermarine Spitfire. The army got more artillery, more weapons. They were not all in commission in September 193 but there were enough to hold off the Germans. Hardly the actions of an arch appeaser

  5. Good video that gives justice to a respectful man, with a modern mindset for the workers and poors. And probably the one who saved England from Germany air war improving the Raf, against the general opinion.

    He's mostly remembered for is actions during the Sudeti crisis. That could be off course criticized, but think also the first world war traumatic experience of that generations. The prospect of another war guided his, from outside, naive behavior with Hitler

  6. It is beyond irony, and, frankly, into tragedy, that, but for the war, Chamberlain would probably have been remembered as one of the greatest Prime Ministers Britain has had, standing with, and possibly eclipsing, Attlee, whereas Churchill would have been a mere footnote in history, having been, arguably, one of the worst Chancellors of the Exchequer ever to serve in that office.

  7. Mr Chamberlaine, should be remembered for the work he did for the underpriviled, and work for the good of Brisish working class,., unfortunately, I think most of us only knowof the failed attempt to keep the world/out of a conflict. Thank you for this documentary

  8. Chamberlain was ultimately an honest man who was dealing with an ultra manipulative psychopath that was able to not only snow him but everyone else at the munich conference into believing what they wanted to believe with his "most sincere" supplications of a desire for peace despite having already told mussolini's son in law count chiano that the question of war in europe wasn't an "if" but simply when.

  9. Why do all "hiss-torians" Ignore the 1933 dewish declaration of war on gernanic folk? They alone are responsible for the murder of millons across the ages and ocean,even burning thier own as an offering unto g-d…

  10. You are amazing, thanks for creating these videos ans making history fun!
    I would love to know more about Charles the 4th of bohemia, and about bohemian and roman empire history in more detail.
    Thanks again!!

  11. In the 1920s my grandfather Thomas Hughes was an active supporter of Chamberlain and was regarded by his election agent as his best canvasser. In the 1924 election (29:00) grandfather's tireless efforts almost certainly gained the 77 winning votes, and Chamberlain had told him he would have quit politics had he lost. It's probably fortunate that historians have failed to record the unwitting and indirect part played by my ancestor in bringing about the Munich agreement and, just possibly, the second world war…

  12. He did the right thing. England should have continued to work with Germany and wiped the communists off the face of the earth. All that concentration camp atuff is leftist lies. Most of those people were communists. The Red Cross out of Geneva inspected those places.Churchill was a war monger and a Germanophobe. Neville sounds like a decent sort to me.

  13. Hitler laughed at Chamberlin as he walked away with his piece of paper. Churchill was a magnificant war leader. He had real intelligence and .
    to his ancestry. Oh God…look at the weaklings we have today. That IDIOT Blair, His toadies Brown, Mandelson and Campbell. Now look at Sunak the unelected weakling, who wants a return to Euroupe who makes deals with India to suit his father in law. The fool of London Kahn, that evil SNP fool Yousef. We have fallen very low. As the invadion of male muslim hoard keeps growing.

  14. Thank you! As with most, I had only known him as the Great Appeaser. I had no idea of his great and historic work on behalf of workers, the poor and infirm! Like so many leaders of all countries, it is rare that we find leaders who are excellent as both peacetime leaders dealing with domestic issues or wartime leaders dealing with foreign issues. It’s too bad Neville didn’t have the opportunity to write his own autobiography and explain his thinking. I do think more should be done while pointing out his failures to also expound on his numerous successes.


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