'Never mind saving animals, they look like they need to eat a few' | Jim Davidson on eco-activists

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36 thoughts on “'Never mind saving animals, they look like they need to eat a few' | Jim Davidson on eco-activists”

  1. I think Baywatch was the top show for years, I know it wasn't watched for its story lines, was for fit bodies and bouncing boobs. Plus sized some sex or other 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Until China and America decide to do something about THEIR pollution everything we do about it is pointless. This is just virtue signalling and it won’t change anything. Just get in with your lives and let everyone else go the same.

  3. Wootton the queen of blah blah blah , I'm happy for the folk in New Zealand at this moment, because Dan is in Britain,🤔oh wait a minute .can you come and fetch him back .🙏

  4. Packham is a useless piece of amphibian excrement. He cares little about wildlife as he was the one who stopped the control of avian predators dead in its tracks. No doubt thousands of songbirds had their eggs stolen and their young murdered by corvids and heaven alone knows how many lambs had theie eyes pecked out by the same bandits we were not allowed to shoot because of him.. Now he's on the Thunburger path, ruining ordinary peoples' lives so he can be a virtue signaller. I would have expected nothing else.

  5. When I was a young kid in the 80's and Jim Davidson was on the telly (b4 Big Break),I learned through trial and error that if i kept mi gob shut,Mam n Dad would be that engrosed in the telly, laughing their heads off that they wouldn't notice that it was past 8pm and send me to bed.I remember him doing "chalky" the Carribbean fella and the "nick nick"when he used to take the piss out of the coppers.
    I thought he was "ace"as a 10 yr old and have done ever since.

  6. Is this the same Phillip Schofield that handed a list of names to David Cameron with so called pedophile Conservative names on that in most part turned out to be false but didn't get the push for it do you mean that Phillip Schofield !? W⚓

  7. We the UK only produce 2% of greenhouse gases. If the UK disappeared tomorrow it would only make a 2% differnce. Whoopty doo. And on another note, I love it when all these people gather together with everything they have made in China. One of the biggest polluting countries on the planet. What's with the drums?

  8. Jim & Dan – what fun to listen to these two and I reckon their take on what's happening here and abroad represents what most people are thinking – unlike our pathetic Government and the ridiculously Biased BBC

  9. Few people love animals, all animals, like a game-keeper and who is going to get up at all hours and in all weathers to care about the foxes, the horses, the deer etc. – certainly not ER.

  10. Oh, Crisp Packet…the most unpopular 'man' living in the New Forest. Arrogant (or is that 'awworgant Crisp?) to ramblers, visitors, verderers who control the Forest, and anybody that doesn't agree with him. Despised, à la Dominic Raab, by his fellow staff, he is the BBC's Phil Schofield.

  11. Some researchers think that there are as many as 90 million people living in the UK. Wouldn't we have more room for animals if we didn't keep importing hundreds of thousands every year?

  12. Packham know bugger all about nothing, typical of the bbc ilk, maybe he's one of them, after all it's a p@@@o condoning organisation, I hope too him and the rest of them stand trial in the dock soon


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