Never Do This In A Lucid Dream

Never Do This In A Lucid Dream


42 thoughts on “Never Do This In A Lucid Dream”

  1. I told a man in my dream that I knew I was in a dream. I got teleported into a room that looked like a chessboard and in front of me was just darkness. I couldn't see anything in it but I could sense something terrifying there and I knew if I wasn't gonna wake up something bad was going to happen. Thankfully I was able to wake up. I've lost all interest in lucid dreaming after this

  2. Seems pretty hard to lucid dream because my dreams are almost always SUPER realistic. Like most of them take place in either my apartment or at school – or somewhere else that I know very well. And it’s always with people that I know. And I can also see everything very clearly. I can even READ in my dreams. And I can smell, taste, and hear.

    The only things that aren’t really that realistic are the things happening, like once I slept with my friend in the dream – which would probably never happen irl💀

  3. Every time I drop in a dream i can literally feel the pressure on me and the wind plus i see it in 1st and 3rd prerson so i some times look at my self drop down, if you ever have this dream it is completely normal❤

  4. I’m a lucid dream you are literally god so you can do anything and I told one of my friends in a lucid dream they aren’t real and they said “Yeah no shit Sherlock, it’s a fucking dream” and things will only go bad if you believe they will

  5. I have dreams about space events and lemme tell you. It was a crazy experience for me for me. Once, i slept snuggly and then i appeared in grandpa house, in the evening, i was inside the house, hearing how my relatives are chatting outside, i went outside aswell, i laid down, looked up and damn, theres a literal starshow, thick yellow stripes of star, tons of cometbflying around, lines of stars drawing the night sky and some colourful stars to accompany (as i can remember), i watched them move real time, very fast, constantly changing colours, shapes, etcs. The night sky has never been that bright before, i admired it for a shortwhile and then damn clouds blocked the fucking starshow, i waited but it wont go away. Second, in a dream, i prob was biking down a road, road to my house apparently it seemed, i looked up once more and then saw multiple rgb galaxys collide eachother, that was crazy, got home and told my dad in the dream, i tried to show him but its gone.

  6. Him: never tell anyone in your lucid dreams they aren’t real, it is like telling them they don’t exist!

    Me: isn’t that…THE SAME THING!??!

    Never had a lucid dream before…what’s it like?

  7. When i ws lucid dreaming i was imagining running so fast but then though of some so scary stuff and i said in the dream 'im dreaming' then i felt so dizzy woke up and fell back into another lucid dream then started a loop i was so scared because i was waking up and then lucid dream i tried to wake up but couldnt even move but suddenly i woke up and ran out of my bed at last

  8. I once had a very vivid lucid dream that I was in a zombie apocalypse with my family fighting for our lives then we got into a vehicle and started driving away from the city, when we were in the car, I asked my brother if he knows this isn't real and he just stared at me and said "Tell the real me that sometimes, there is no light at the end of the tunnel" and the dream ended.

  9. Can anyone help me I remember a dream from years ago here’s how it started and ended

    Start: I was stuck in a truck with chains and my family tried to get me out. They went into the building next to me. Some kind of factory saved our pets. Our dogs came back for me and then a tsunami came in washed us all away and then I woke up.

    Conclusion: I want to find out what happens after that dream even though it was so long ago I want to try and reconnect to that dream even if it’s bad

    I want to figure out what happens because I just remember immediately dying and waking up. I wanna know what happens after that we will all washed away.

  10. I remember doing this on many occasions but it always goes pretty smooth. If I tell someone they aren’t REAL, We just hug and say our goodbyes as I go traveling on into the dream world


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