NEUROSCIENTIST Reveals How To FOCUS Your Mind & NEVER Be Lazy Again! | Andrew Huberman

It’s crucial to learn how to focus your mind and stay motivated. In today’s mashup:

Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist & Professor at Standford University, explains how to maintain our dopamine levels to focus our minds and stay motivated.
Greg Mckeown, Best-selling Author & Business Strategist, breaks down the steps on how to achieve a focused mindset.
Rich Diviney, Former Navy Seal Officer & Author, describes how to train our minds to stay motivated through anything.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, Researcher & Best-selling Author, describes how to rewire our brains to maintain high levels of focus.
Chadd Wright, Retired Navy Seal & Ultra Marathon Runner, explains how to find motivation through any adversity or challenge.
Jordan Peterson, Clinical Psychologist & Best-selling Author, breaks down the simple keys to building confidence and staying motivated.
Tom Bilyeu, CEO of Impact Theory, describes how to eliminate a lazy mindset forever.


25 thoughts on “NEUROSCIENTIST Reveals How To FOCUS Your Mind & NEVER Be Lazy Again! | Andrew Huberman”

  1. Finally ..thank you soon much for uploading it on here …i don't have podcast app …and I love your content they are helping and amazing…so I'm always waiting here for the next episodes of your podcast….
    Thank Lewis…🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨.

  2. Lol Lewis pretends he aint heard the term dopamine is the molecule of motivation before. Also people dont have a issue with low dopamine, the issue is chronic stress in the modern world and reduce dopamine receptor density etc.

  3. Yes but I watched a doctor on a Hoover Institute video and she pointed out – why do we have an 80% increase of ADHD in, I believe the last 50 years, and it is a frontal lobe disorder? Do we all of a sudden have a huge increase in frontal lobe disorders?

  4. I am a woman and know many wonderful women out there, but what a great group of men here in this video. Nearly all, especially the speaker named Chad, have this beautiful look in their eyes and an energy of positive masculine – creating and doing actions on this earth for the betterment of the world and improvement of ourselves and the people on it. With such great positive thoughts and attitudes and intentions. They are the leaders I wish were running our governments and businesses. They are those I wish I had more in my daily life. Im so grateful for their energy and perspectives.

  5. You are wrong about addictive power of marihuana. I am smoking from 1988 and taking regularly breaks up to half a year without any problem. I am taking breaks to reduce coughing but foremost tolerance. There is not a single withdrawal effect = i can stop half a joint for any amount of time and come back whenever I feel like. This same with coffee. Thus withold yourself from having opinion about something you lack first hand personal experience. Further good job!!


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