Nemesis: The Death Star [Our Sun's Twin]

Recent studies suggest that our sun might have a lost twin, lurking just outside our galaxy. And some say it might even be the evil twin that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. This fascinating discovery has piqued the interest of scientists and stargazers alike, expanding our understanding of the vast universe.

What could this mean for us in the future? Find out in this episode.


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8 thoughts on “Nemesis: The Death Star [Our Sun's Twin]”

  1. If there´s a lost twin star, perhaps its one of the so'called "Vagabond" class of planets or dwarfs, which apparently are loose interstellar objects outside of any star systems effective EM'Grav ranges. If Im not mistaken there's one lying around outside our collar-system somewhere .-)

  2. Yes, there's a twin to the sun lmao giggle, an it's out side our galaxy… well there's your first problem that would be pretty far away from us. Lol outside our solorsystem he says, 😉 we'd see it, then he says brown dwarf 🤣 like that would not be a twin, since, our star IS NOT A BROWN DWARF. this is all absolute nonsense 🙄

  3. what happened with hollywood and the production of "The Return of Planet X 1979, Seeking Closure(2012 disaster movie) or what about remaking When Worlds Collide 1951 hmm? what, too serious????😮


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