Necrotic Orb RUINS Overwatch 2


New Patch: (0:00)
Necrotic Orb Traits: (0:09)
Utility So Moira is Fixed?: (0:35)
Ana Nade Comparison: (1:06)
Even Worse Than Hack?: (2:56)
Boosts & Reductions Are POWERFUL: (3:14)
My First Wave Of Adjustments: (3:41)
Zen & Ana Are Probably Still Better: (4:21)
Where Do You Stand?: (4:46)
Like & Subscribe!: (5:10)


24 thoughts on “Necrotic Orb RUINS Overwatch 2”

  1. I like this change as a former Moira player (who nowadays plays only Ana, Zen, because picking Moira is like announcing to your team you are ready to throw), numbers might need some tuning, but it's a nice direction. I personally preferred the fade CC cleanse, but this works too

  2. I agree that 75% sounds like a lot. Personally, I would have like the necro orb to have a high enough cooldown to be a once per fight thing. But have that in addition to and not a replacement to her kit now.

    It seems her ability to scout other lanes and dislodge dps from tight places is really hampered now. And it seems her ability to actually win any dual now is gone. Necro orb just gives her 4 more seconds to get fade back.

    But, maybe I just need some time with the beta to understand how her role has shifted. Thanks for the video.

  3. Sounds like typical DPS QQing. Seeing that their preferred support would be a Mercy, without a gun, perma-stuck in a junkrat trap. You hear the same bellyaching every time a Support is given some way to either fight back, or try to defend themselves from being farmed by the all holy and all important DPS mains, who you should be worshipping at the feet of (in their opinion).

  4. the thing i hate is that this reminds me so much of old hack, being able to just disable someone's ability to play the game for little risk or skill requirement is going to be frustrating and boring to go against even if it's not a hard cc like hack was

  5. I feel like this change fails on two fronts: On top of being kinda unfun to play against it's also just… not really fitting with the rest of Moira's kit. It's too different from the healing orb, which would normally be fine but it's meant to stand as a mirror to Moira's healing orb in every way… this new orb is nothing like the healing orb.

    I get it, the "Skill orb" was a pretty commonly complained about ability and Moira could use a non-healing buff… but I just don't think she should be a debuffer. At risk on stepping on mercy's toes, why not make it a heal orb and a damage vulnerability orb, basically the same thing as the old purple orb except it applies a 30% damage vulnerability to the target and causes Moira's cooldowns to recover 50% faster as long as at least one enemy is tethered to the purple orb. Admittedly this is a couch idea that took me like 5 minutes to think up, but I think it's on a better track than the buff they provided.

  6. It's an ability, and 75% reduction is too much. They should remove splash and make it a skill shot, and also let it crit. Body shots can reduce damage by 25% and crits reduce damage by 35%. Or some other reasonable percentages.

  7. I'm a tank player so I can't really speak for how it feels for actual Moira players, but from the perspective of a tank player I actually like this direction for her. Every other support hero has an extremely impactful, team fight changing ability. Moira has always stuck out like a sore thumb imo. Competing with speedboost, discord orb, antiheal, immortality, Brig's ability to peel, and damageboost/res is no easy feat. Because of this I rarely was particularly thrilled to have a Moira on my team. 75% reduction is hugely impactful, but I think that's honestly okay because there isn't a single support who doesn't bring something of huge value themselves. My only complaint is that I really feel as strong as this is, it should be harder to land. I would probably reduce the size of the orb slightly, remove the explosion entirely, but speed up the projectile speed of it somewhat to give Moira's a bit more control. If it is difficult to land, I actually am totally okay with it shutting down enemy ultimates. Ultimates should have more high skill counters imo in general.

  8. I'm fine with it as long as they balance it and make it consistent with other abilities. D.Va bomb cannot be dsmage boosted so it should not be able to be weakened.

    Also pls fix JQ vs. Genji. I am worried they keep throwing in abilities like this and not making them consistent with how the rest of OW works.

  9. I actually love this change, as pulls Moira away from her extremely one-dimensional playstyle. I just think that the 75% for 4 seconds is a bit overtuned. Instead, perhaps 60% reduction for 2 seconds might be more in store. Or perhaps starting at 75% weakness, but decaying down to 0 over the course of 3 seconds.

    I want Moira to have a playmaking tool or healing alternative that all the other supports in the game have, and I think this is the way to go about it. Rather than being too overpowered an idea, I just think that the current iteration of it is overtuned. As a DPS main, I wouldn't mind Moira having a way to reduce or stall my impact for 2 seconds, but I do mind her doing it for 4 seconds.

  10. Wasn't the OW2 philosophy that we get rid of all the BS? Why do Blizz devs seem to forget their own philosophy shift??? This is akin to bringing back Sombra hack.

  11. Moira actually feel useful now, and when dived on you can take the fight rather than just escape. Played for a few hours and it not that it was game changing or that we were winning every fight with it, but once or twice a game, I was able to make a difference aside from spraying and sucking people, and trying to build up an ult. It brought a tactical aspect to a hero that never really had one before. She actually feels like a hero now.

    What DPS players are complaining about (not playing the game for seconds at a time) is EXACTLY what 80% of supports have been dealing with forever. Time and time again the answer to a dps has been "use cover" or "get gud with Ana's sleep" or simply "run away." While it may suck to have your damage reduced for 4 seconds, being targeted for a first pick and frequently having the 15 or 20 second respawn to get back into the game is far worse.

    If it gets reduced to 40% they might as well just replace it with something else, because there will be a whole list of ults that it just will not counter–and make it useless for what it was designed to do. Could the splash be reduced or eliminated? Sure, that's conversation that I think is fair, but reducing the 75% by much just does not make sense.

    Complaints like the ones this video describes are why supports never get nice things–at least not for more than a week at a time.

  12. I don't think the comparison between Ana nade and Moira's orb is that fair as they both do fundamentally different things. Nade prevents healing while Moira's orb reduces damage dealt. It's more fair to compare orb to Ana's sleep dart. They both have lengthy cooldowns and, unlike Moira orb, can also fully immobilize as well as prevent any action taken by the person slept for a similar period of time. If you get hit by necrotic orb, nothing is stopping you from playing defensively or disengaging. If you get hit by sleep dart, you are essentially dead for a few seconds (or more considering you're a free target at that point). I don't think the damage reduction needs to be nerfed or else it won't be as impactful as something like sleep, but I do agree that it may need to be harder to land in exchange for that power.

  13. I dressage. It sounds broken on paper but when you play it you can see it's hard to hit, has a very long cooldown and even when you hit it you don't get much value unless you really think when to use it.
    As a dps you can track it, bait it, or not play close to Moira. It's not that difficult to play around

  14. I agree kinda with temporal but I think they need to do either or though. so either reduce it down to 40 to 50 and have the 3 meter radius or keep the 75% and make it a full blown skill shot. I think temporal is right but not entirely right. if you want to reduce it down to 40 to 50% the keep the 3 meter radius, becasue a full on skill shot does take skill and making it a full on skill shot should give a ton of value. if people have to pratice day and night to get good value out of this then it should still be 75%, just like ana's nade it stop healing 100% for 3 seconds yet it's a splash area not like sleep dart. so if you wanna make it a skill and reduce it I feel like the nerfs would be too much since ana has to just splash the nade around someone to anti them without much skill.

  15. Honestly I think it’s fine where it is. Compared to Ana’s sleep dart which is basically an Insta death against any team with braincells, a shut down to all ults and you can’t disengage or use any invulnerability / escape abilities either… necrotic is fine.

    Every single support character can deny ultimates. Brig less so now that her stun is no longer a thing but her shield can still be used against Dva, Cassidy, etc. In my opinion, immortality field and sleep dart are far more painful abilities. Flats also demonstrated how difficult it is to hit the orb. You’ll see this more in higher level play but the team isn’t going to be grouped up and they know the value of high ground so they’re not going to be all on the floor. The AoE could be reduced to 1-2m I agree but realistically you’re not going to get more than 2 people unless the team is really grouped up. Even then, Moira can’t take the team by herself, so they can just disengage with their tank for 4 seconds and then return.

    The only other change I’d make is her reduction on separate entities. I think it should work much like Bob, where DVA bomb, rip tire, blizzard, anything that has a separate entity from the player, are not affected by changes in their player.

  16. I’m honestly surprised that they went this way, because they’ve talked in the past about how an early version of Sombra’s hack reduced damage and heal output and it really sucked the fun out of the game for the players getting hacked. That was a higher availability cooldown I’m sure, but still, when they talked about it, it sounded like the lesson they had learned was that reducing a character’s output feels bad.

    As a Moira player myself, though, the thing I dislike the most is the disconnection of the two orbs. Moira’s whole kit was originally a yin-yang balance concept, and splitting the cooldowns breaks that entirely. It doesn’t just affect the orb usage, it also affects Biotic Grasp. With Biotic Orb now being an obligatory heal orb, the reward for managing the Biotic Grasp heal resource well is just gone. There’s still punishment for managing it poorly (running out of healing), but it’s no longer possible to earn more damage by managing it well. So, as long as you remember that 10s heal orb cooldown and you’re not literally pissing away all of your heal juice for no reason, the heal resource meter may as well not exist. I just don’t have to think about it, at all, ever, because I never run out of juice.

    I also just don’t think it’s as fun to have this utility ability that seems to be only defensive. You can save people, but the only hero that it directly enables you to kill is Genji, since you can maybe deny the dash reset. Your team can go more aggressive on them too, but it’s not the same sort of direct setup as an anti-heal or a stun or even a thoughtful boop. Combined with the fact that Moira’s damage potential is way lower now, and there’s no way to trade healing efficiency for more offensive potential, it just doesn’t feel good to me. She seems more defensive than Brig now, but Brig’s design was intentionally defensive, and Moira’s wasn’t.


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