Necrosmith – Trailer

Necrosmith is an indirect necromancer simulator where you need to assemble the dead using different body parts while upgrading your tower. Combine the abilities of the different fantastic races to fight your way through the hordes of enemies and overrun the ’chosen ones’. Coming July 2022.

Check out the free demo now:


10 thoughts on “Necrosmith – Trailer”

  1. I just played your demo to the end and one thing I can say for sure is that this game gives off a strong vampire survivors vibe and if that is indicative of anything, then this game will likely end up being a massive hit! I started playing and ended up zooming through an hour's worth playtime. I cannot wait for the full release to buy it and enjoy the game for another 100+ hours 🙂

    I would, however, like to mention that the lack of a minimap leaves a lot for the player to do in the mid to late game as the map eventually becomes so big that it becomes exhaustingly hard to keep track of what your minions are doing. An example of this was when my heavy duty killer squad found the castle and destroyed it while I was still making more minions and I was completely unaware that they did, making the victory kind of anti-climactic.

    Other than that, the game is insanely fun for me and I wish you the best luck in it's further development!

  2. Alawar is a Russian developer, distributor and publisher of video games for PC, mobile platforms, game consoles and other devices. Wikipedia
    Founder: Sergey Zanin
    Date of foundation: 1999, Novosibirsk, Russia…it's amazing that games were also made in Mordor


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