Nearly 80 Democrats pen letter to Biden criticizing border policies #shorts

Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz on the policy debate around immigration asylum.

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38 thoughts on “Nearly 80 Democrats pen letter to Biden criticizing border policies #shorts”

  1. 边境墙的事情只能是美国政府自己调查。2016年我家在建porch之后,我觉得钢材美国是需要的。美国政府想恢复生产,不想放弃钢铁制造?当时我和很多人都被欺骗,说他是从中国进口了所有钢铁做边境墙,赚回扣,我以为是他和犹太人一起弄钱。犹太人对我解释了几次我当时也没有搞清楚为什么。当时恰好中国钢铁滞销,但是我看问题严重,我命令调整了政策,眼看钢铁要涨价。所以是因为我的记忆被删除了,今天想起来了,我回顾过去的事情,当时Trump或者美国决策机构可能偷了我的信息,是为了继续维持美国钢铁制造,又顺便赚钢铁期货的钱,所以建边境墙。但是凡事并不是只有一个因素决定政策。之后中国收购了一批美国企业,我没有命令收购美国钢铁制造,我不知道美国政府怎么认为。总之,Trump肯定没有从中国进口建边境墙的钢铁,美国是从中国进口了少量钢铁studs骗我骗中国政府?美国政府决策我没有参与,当时我不领导中国,我只是中国决策建议者。2019年7月我才开始参与中国决策,2020年7月开始参与领导中国。

  2. how many more fruit pickers, landscapers & dishwashers do we need? ..95% of these people have no job skills and don't speak English… America's education is in the toilet & we have almost no manufacturing.

  3. And this law is exactly why Biden and his administration should be removed from office and jailed ! He has broken the law and has not up held his oath of office ! But then again he's not calling the shots !

  4. More drugs and weapons cross the southern border than anything else. So let’s make it easier for that to keep happening. America will ultimately be destroyed by this war by the drug cartels in Mexico as they setup in their operations fully in Texas, Arizona and California. When they have full operations in NY just hand them the keys for the Federal Reserve and we can all go back to England to you start over.

  5. I believe that most Americans are feed up with these Criminal Democrats. The Open boarder is endangering the citizens of the boarder states. These people want hand out when Americans are already struggling to make ends meet. It time the Governor’s of these state do their job and close the boarder and send everyone back to their home country. Americans should be first!!!✊🏻✊🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏

  6. Joe Biden shouldn’t be above the law. We are allowing Joe Biden to ignore any law that he doesn’t agree with. This means that we are the stupid and Joe is the intelligent one.

  7. we already legalize 1.1 million immigrants every year. how about you have 90 days to get an ID at your local registry and you won't be deported. BUT not a path to citizenship! but if you don't get the ID YOU ARE DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY.

  8. I wonder what the overall plan was, and the benefits dem parti effects that were intended when they disregarded immigration laws….
    Could it have been to increase the tax base?
    Could it have been to turn red states blue?
    There’s a long term strategy that they feel will benefit their objectives!

  9. We the people did not invite this invasion to our Southern Border
    Biden did. They are not US Citizens and should never be granted this status. Our tax dollars are being wasted on these invaders. Social Security is solvent for ten more years until this head of lettuce of a president puts then SSI, then what? They will all be granted Wic, Food Stamps and every other tax funded entitlements Lettuce Head can give them. I have a better plan. Deport them all or as many that the actual Federal Immigration Laws allows. Close the Southern Border until this is completed.
    Then allow people to immigrate here only through Legal Ports Of Entry. Now take all the tax money you just saved and swoop up every man or woman who served this country and give them housing food Psychiatric help, addiction counseling and financial stipend to get through their transition.I think these are good ideas. I'm uneducated. I got out of 8 th grade because the nuns just wanted me gone. This country is under attack by a president
    who has always lied at the drop of a hat. A Dept of Justice complisate and FBI who have trampled on our right to free speech. They trample on our constitution and our bill of rights. The very documents this republic was founded on. Again I'm uneducated by even I could offer the people of this country the way of life all those homeless vets fought for, and vets died for.


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