The following video is a compilation of various stories dealing with the paranormal. The stories in this video mainly deal with the cryptids phenomenon but also cover other strange happenings. Thank you for watching and enjoying this hour-long compilation of cryptid stories # 8. These stories are a compilation of older videos previously released released on this channel.

~ Zombie Hoodoo, Thunder Dreams, Long Note Two, & Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
video footage: videoblocks

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  1. I might sound insane, but in the last few years supposedly the forest people "Sasquatch" has told people that say they have communications with them like Mike Patterson ''Sasquatch Ontario'' that they are the first people even before the first nation people. They have a relationship with the star people but are older than even the Aboriginal people. Natural evolution is way different from what the Mainstream Media tells you. It's Gaia that makes the faural&fauna, not some bird that used to be a dinosaur lol. The raining fish is Gaia adding the animals it wants. Did you ever wonder why when raining fish, the waterspout just picked out one species of fish to suck up to dump on your head?

  2. My sister&I used the Ouija board to get a hold of my wife a couple of years after the car accident. We got it moving & it wrote out ''change the stone''. I knew what it meant after a few minutes of thinking about it. When she died, I was still in the hospital so her mom&dad made all the funeral arrangements. At the funeral, I found out her parents put on her tombstone Wendy Reeves, her maiden name instead of my last name! I wanted some kind of relationship with her side of the family so I didn't change it even though the Reeves would of allowed me to. It was a rough time for all of us& today I think of their family as mine but 100% that day Wendy gave me a message. Happy New Year AR.

  3. Ran into something In Mohican Reservation in Ohio. Was following the creek for about two hours with my two daughters and niece, 4,12 and 13 years respectively.
    I got an overwhelming feeling of stop, don't continue. Mind you my daughtets and I follow the creeks often, it's a safe way to go off the beaten path. When I called out to the older two they both understood and started walking backwards towards my youngest and I. When the older two passed and my youngest and I turned around we all heard a very deep vibratory growl that seemed to travel around from the right side to the left of us. I said shh, so they'd stop walking and splashing and we all heard it again this time in my chest
    We ran down that creek and it only took 15-20 mins lol.
    It didn't occur to me what it was until we saw the campground. It was not animal, it was way too deep to be human.
    Looked the growls up others have caught in film but it's not the same being there and feeling it. The traveling of the sound apparently is a common thing people describe regarding bigfoot. To top it off, mid Ohio mohican was a major hot spot for sightings.

  4. For you to think that even for a minute that because you can look down on the Earth from space that you can find a Bigfoot somewhere in the woods good luck with that you can have a helicopter 50 ft over them trees and you couldn't see a big foot of human or a guy in a yellow outfit hanging out with his butt in the air you're going to tell me that that satellite you're looking through can penetrate that kind of forest that a man can barely penetrate walking through the so thick yeah think a little harder before you make statements

  5. I definitely got a second comment for you you don't believe that a Bigfoot can hide in the woods because of our technology but you expect us all to believe in another dimension because you say so there's no proof of another dimension there's a lot of guesses but there's no proof but yeah you expect us to believe that but you won't believe in Bigfoot when you have hundreds if not thousands of eyewitnesses that you can talk to today Show me one scientist that can show me another dimension a picture of another dimension whatever you got cuz I like to show you a thousands of pictures of Bigfoot

  6. I would be more apt to believe that this man's brain made up the mental telepathy to make him deal with the fact that he couldn't handle what he was seeing as being real that's more believable than your inner Dimension crap hundreds if not thousands of species are rediscovered or discovered for the first time every year so you're going to tell me that you can find a Bigfoot just because you want to I've never seen a great white shark but I'm sure they're there

  7. I love the story of the saber tooth tiger.
    I never thought of wild animals being ghosts. That was really interesting. Also i was glad it was for the woman and dog's sake. thank you for all your posts!

  8. Those who are really in charge are doing their best to.protect criptids loss of enviorment. ive experienced 3 seperayed telepsathic "videos" of bigfoots that included enotional inviyations with maps to " come up and emote with us".

  9. Hey Everybody…
    Here's to wishing you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR…!
    Remember, things will get difficult sometimes, as they are prone to…
    But LIFE is for LIVING…
    Appreciate every moment, give your loved ones extra attention, let them know that they're special…
    Lots of LOVE…

  10. Great video! These creatures have been here on our Earth for a very long time. Not sure how they survive without being seen, but there are here and among us. I don't think it will be long before some people get some really good video or photo evidence and no one will be able to hide it.


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