Nearing The End. All They Young Dudes Fan-fiction. Back To A Normal Streaming Schedule Next Week!

Livestream #99

Bibliobibuli Merch:

All The Young Dudes is a fan-fiction about the journey of Remus Lupin, Sirius, and the rest of the marauders through their adventures through Hogwarts.

#Harrypotter #theory #Marauders #bookclub #bibliobibuli #siriusblack #Comments


4 thoughts on “Nearing The End. All They Young Dudes Fan-fiction. Back To A Normal Streaming Schedule Next Week!”

  1. 15mins after. Thinking “Rings”live. Not going to happen.

    Oh yeah. Don’t know if you saw. Had a reading suggestion. “Wizards first Rule”. By Terry Goodwin.

    Don’t know if you remember it. However was basis for “Legend of the Seeker”. Tv show.

  2. On the last video I mentioned Remus possibly having BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). It helps explain exactly why he acts the way he does, how he thinks, and how he responds to other people’s actions. It explains the self centered thinking, misinterpreting other people’s actions as an attack on him, not knowing how to work through problems in a healthy way, the list goes on and on. Doesn’t excuse some of his actions, but it definitely gives an explanation.

    With a lot of personality based disorders, it takes a while to change behavioral responses to the emotions of others they’re interacting with. From a psychological and clinical perspective, his characters give a lot of insight into how a person with BPD could think and I feel like it doesn’t happen in books often, so I actually really find it interesting to read.

    The disorder stems from trauma, typically childhood trauma, as a way to shield from the original event, and it is a disorder that causes abandonment issue trigger responses; lashing out, “I’ll leave first so you don’t leave me,” “I’ll start the fight so you don’t do it first and hurt me,” hiding their feelings from others either bc they never learned how to healthily express feelings or bc they fear rejection, intense emotions, aggression, being emotionally stunted by the trauma and the disorder, causing others pain to protect themselves from these fears, and in some cases very low empathy for others due to the need ti self preserve, etc. PERFECT parallels for Remus’s character in these books.

    The toxic relationship dynamic is common in BPD relationships because of the defense mechanisms built into the disorder. Having awareness of others and dropping barriers is hard for them to do sometimes, and the process can be very slow, but it is possible, which we do see his slow development.


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