Neanderthal Man | Full Thriller Movie | Richard Crane | Robert Easton

Professor Groves, an expert in prehistoric life, proves his theories with an extract that can regress a cat to a saber-tooth tiger and man to a Neanderthal.

1953 American black-and-white horror science fiction film.

Nestled in the rugged and remote California High Sierra Mountains, reports of unusual sightings and unexplained livestock deaths have led residents to believe that a formidable creature is lurking between the trees. Amongst the locals is Professor Groves, an unconventional anthropologist who is conducting a mysterious experiment that challenges the limits of what is possible. The professor is seen injecting cats with an unknown substance. Eventually, the locals manage to capture the creature, and their findings confirm a shocking truth: it is an extinct saber-toothed cat. They invite Professor Groves to witness the extraordinary discovery, but upon their arrival, the creature has vanished. Groves confides in his fiancé about his research on reactivating dormant cells of earlier species, but their conversation leads to an argument. In a desperate attempt to prove his theory, Groves injects himself with his own formula and undergoes a startling transformation into a Neanderthal. This sets off a wave of killings and destruction upon the unsuspecting locals.

Trivia: Beverly Garland, in a supporting role, appears here in her first feature film under her new stage name, previously she went by the name of Beverly Campbell.
When the Professor gives his talk to the Scientific Society, he uses the Piltdown Man in the progression “Chimp – Java Man – Piltdown Man – Cro-Magnon Man – Neanderthal Man – Modern Human.” The Piltdown Man was a fake fossil that was comprehensively debunked in 1953, the same year that the film was released.
When a saber-tooth tiger attacks George, the close-up image of the beast is a cheap stuffed animal with long teeth added in and whiskers drawn in. The image only appears for a second.
Robert Shayne finally got top billing in a film but, his name was misspelled as “Robert Shane” in the credits. This role for Robert Shayne came about during the same period that he got the role that would finally make him famous, Inspector Henderson on “The Adventures of Superman” (1952) television series.

Director: E. A. Dupont
Stars: Robert Shayne, Joyce Terry, Richard Crane

Alternate titles
Brazil: O Homem Fera
France: L’Homme de Néanderthal
Iran .Shakhse vahshatnak
Spain: El hombre de las cavernas
West Germany: Dr. Jenkins unheimliche Nächte
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