NE Coastal Cottage Project Terracotta Kitchen

Hello Mom and Dad,
Hope all is well this week. We are awaiting a major snowstorm this week, exciting. I finished painting the base cabinets in the kitchen and the pantry. Woah! Yay! I really have high hopes for major changes in the kitchen/bathroom/pantry area (possibly bedroom too), one day. For now, I decided to paint my cabinets a beautiful terracotta color, reminding me of the Utah Red Rocks. I will soon remove the top cabinets and putting up shelves, that will come in time.

Ellie makes her appearance in this video. She is doing very well. She had her friend stay over, Mr. Apollo. She loves when he comes because she enjoys having other pooches keep her company. Although she is still scared of the waves at the beach we still go.

But that is it for this week. I had more videos of our walk to the beach and the Restore, Habitat for Humanity but it was not in horizontal format so I could’t use it. Next time.

Hope you enjoy. xoxo candelida


1 thought on “NE Coastal Cottage Project Terracotta Kitchen”

  1. hello…i am so sorry that the video is not what it is supposed to be. It cuts me off and the rest of everything. I will figure this out one day…but is hard to see as well because it cut me off in the sun room. anyone have any idea if I am supposed to record in full or 16:9 horizontal? I cannot figure out which one is best. the last video, I thought I had it but I guess not.


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