#nayanmar from #chettiar community

17)iyarpagai Nayanar
His name “Iyarpagai” means “Contrary to Nature
Message from his story
Give respect to God not to fake godman
God alone is enough for everyone

18)Amaraneedi Nayanar merchant
Amaraneedi was a trader of gold, jewels and clothes. Amaraneedi was a staunch devotee of Shiva, the patron god of Shaivism
Komanam issue created by lord shiva & tulabaram game of lord shiva

19)Murthi Nayanar was a Vaishya, the merchant caste. He was a merchant by profession. He was a great devotee of Shiva, the patron god of Shaivism. The merchant used to serve Shiva by offering fragrant sandalwood paste to anoint the icon of Shiva in the temple.
A jain ruler defeated the Pandyas and captured the kingdom. He persecuted the Shaivas and attempted to forcibly convert them to Jainism. However, Murthi Nayanar continued offering sandalwood paste to Shiva in the temple.
In order to forcibly convert Murthi, the Jain king blocked the supply of sandalwood to the capital so that Murthi’s service is interrupted.
However, Murthi used his elbow instead of sandalwood and started grinding it on stone to make a paste for anointing Shiva.
His skin peeled and his bones started showing and blood bled.
Pleased by his devotion, Shiva appeared before him and blessed him. Shiva assured him that the tyrant king would die soon and Murthi would replace him as king. As prophesied, the king died the next day, without an heir

That jain king associated with kalapirar by many scholar

20)Kalikamba was a Vaishya, devotee of Shiva and used to serve sivanadiyar by washing their feet.
He also served lunch to the devotees and offered them money and gifts.
His wife helped him in the service. The wife would pour water from the pot, as Kalikamba washed the feet.
When Kalikamba was about to wash the feet of a devotee, she recognised the devotee as their former servant and hesitated from pouring water from the pot.
Kalikamba felt that his wife has desecrated the sacred service. He took the pot from her hand and cut off her hand by his sword. He continued to wash the feet of the devotees and served them food, a duty generally performed by his wife. For his act of devotion, he & his wife attained the grace of Shiva

Cutting hand too much

Treat everyone equally good message say no to class discrimination based on money

Washing foot of stranger not acceptable to me

21)Kaliya Nayanar was a Vaishya, an oil merchant served Shiva by keeping the lamps in the temple lit day and night. To test Kaliya’s devotion and reveal his absolute love for Shiva to the world, Shiva made his wealth diminish over time. However, Kaliya continued his service by supplying oil for lighting the lamps at temple.

He also worked as a daily wage labourer to pay for the oil, unmindful of his status. He worked in an oil churning wheel and borrowed oil from work to light the lamps of the temple.
As the people working in the oil business grew, he lost his source of income as a labourer. He even sold his properties. When all his oil was over, he decided to kill himself to fulfil his commitment to Shiva.
He arranged the wicks in the lamps and took a knife to slit his throat; his blood could be used to substitute the oil in the lamps. However, Shiva stopped him from cutting his throat & his wound magically healed. Kaliya was granted moksha.

22)Karaikkal Ammaiyar Nagarathar saint lived in 6th CE

23)Nesa Nayanar Saliyar, weaver who donates clothes to Lord Shiva’s devotees

24) Thirunilakanda Nayanar potter

don’t go behind prostitute

husband & wife must be loyal to each other

privacy important


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