Navy SEAL and CIA Analyst Discuss The Evil That's Taking Over America

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27 thoughts on “Navy SEAL and CIA Analyst Discuss The Evil That's Taking Over America”

  1. The cabal, Deep State, Globalists, big corporations, big tech companies, media, school systems, big Pharma, Catholic Churches, AI, Satanic Cults, shadow governments. Then you have the evil aliens underground in the tunnels and bases, cloning people and eating them.

  2. Most of what is going on, at least as far as government has been made possible by the fact that politicians can violate the bill of rights in the constitution, over and over as much as they want, and there is no consequence what so ever! If these people had to do prison time every time they floated an illegal bill, It would stop in its tracks.

  3. What’s really frustrating and maybe I’m reading this interview incorrectly, is that it sounds like we are going to give in to evil to the communist to the Marxist. Whatever you wanna call it and no one is going to do anything. We are going to go out with not so much as a whimper. Will may be a whimper and that’s about it. We have people who supposedly represent us that could put a stop to all this, but they won’t because they are cowards.

  4. I wish Shawn Ryan would start addressing, start talking about the Republican and Democratic is one of the same. Get off the pointing of the finger!!! They are only fighting over the control of all of us for power!

  5. I've been trying to enlighten others to the fact of a mk ultra style op that's using children as weaponry used in school shootings !
    Follow the $$$
    Children from foster homes somehow coming up with ten thousand dollars in guns and ammo???

  6. It’s happening now here in Sacramento ca ,, you can definitely see the gang stalkers that are under the trance of technology use by the military or other groups,,

  7. It's the lack of faith in Christ.

    Move away from God, and you find only the ungodly. That creates a sense of cohesion or planning when there isn't necessarily.

  8. Republicans shit on us 9/11 truthers that campaigned hard for Ron Paul… I worked both his campaigns and ran for the Republican central committee in the 54th assembly district, California… I was attacked constantly by republicans…. And here we are. Now republicans are upset…. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  9. Where’s it coming from,? Not rep. And democrats, these guys are hard to listen to, I know more were it’s coming from, it’s not our lawmakers! It’s the deep state ( global) , committee of 300, bilderberg, do they not want to talk about it. Or are they dorks.


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